
Professional Development

April 1, 1999

Last Date of Review/Revision 
September 20, 2023

AD 10.10

Mandated Review Date

Policy Authority: Yabome Gilpin-Jackson, Vice-President, People, Equity and Inclusion


1.1      The University undertakes that, through an effective Professional Development plan consistent with the principles of employment equity, it will encourage and assist an Employee to:

1.1.1      Acquire the knowledge and skills required to maximize their performance in their current position,

1.1.2      Acquire new competencies in response to, or in preparation for, changing position requirements or new position opportunities,

1.1.3      Develop or redirect their career as individual or organizational needs change,

1.1.4      Acquire knowledge and understanding respecting issues of fairness, equity, and human rights.


2.1      Continuing Employees are eligible to apply for Professional Development programs.


Professional Development programs that are University funded are as follows:

3.1      Tuition Reimbursement (See also Policy AD 10.12 Tuition Waiver for on-campus credit courses.)

3.1.1      Subject to (3.1.2), a Continuing Employee is eligible for reimbursement of 100% of the costs of Job-Related Courses (credit and non-credit), seminars, webinars, round tables, workshops and conferences approved by their supervisor up to a maximum of $1000 in any one (1) calendar year. This amount is an annual eligibility and cannot be carried forward to future calendar years. The expenses covered by this fund may include tuition costs, registration fees, examination fees, textbooks and required course material.

3.1.2      A Part-time Employee in a Continuing Position is eligible for reimbursement of a percentage of the tuition costs of off-campus Job-Related Courses approved by their Supervisor based on the percentage of full-time hours the Employee normally works in a bi-weekly period. The maximum amount available in a calendar year will also be prorated as a percentage of $1000 based on the normal hours worked in a bi-weekly period.

3.1.3      Tuition Reimbursement is not an alternative to Tuition Waiver set out in Policy AD 10.12. Employees shall not be approved for Tuition Reimbursement if the Job Related Course or equivalent, is offered by the University. In circumstances where a Job Related Course or equivalent is not offered at the University or an Employee is inadmissible to a particular program or course at the University, then Tuition Reimbursement may be granted subject to evidence the program or course is not offered by the University or evidence of the Employee’s inadmissibility.

3.1.4      In exceptional circumstances Tuition Reimbursement over the $1000 maximum may be allowed with the approval of the appropriate Dean/Director and the Executive Director, Human Resources & Labour Relations.

3.2      Where there is a demonstrated organizational need, Professional Development programs and courses that are feasible in terms of the cost and the number of participants will be made available in-house by Human Resources at no cost to participants or departments.

3.3      Position rotations and cross training of Employees for position enrichment can be utilized as part of Professional Development and should be considered by all departments.

3.4      APSA Professional Development Expenses - See AD 10.11.


4.1      Tuition Reimbursement will be provided if the following conditions are met:

4.1.1      An Employee and a Supervisor shall mutually develop and agree to a professional development plan prior to application for Tuition Reimbursement. The agreed professional development plan and Educational Reimbursement Application, approved by the Employee’s supervisor, must be submitted to Human Resources prior to registration.

4.1.2      Any necessary arrangements for time off must be approved in advance by the supervisor. The Employee and the department head are responsible for ensuring that courses do not interfere with the department's normal level of service.

4.1.3      The Employee must be on the payroll both at the time of commencement and the conclusion of the course.

4.1.4      Proof of successful completion of the course and proof of tuition fee payment must be submitted to Human Resources at which time reimbursement will be processed.

4.2      Programs made available in-house by Human Resources will be advertised by e-mail and on the HR Web site.

4.2.1      Application must be made on the Course/Workshop Application form and approved in advance of registration.

4.2.2      Departments will be charged for the cost of the Course or Workshop for an Employee who registers and fails to appear.

4.3      Position enrichment and position rotation

4.3.1      If there are temporary vacancies in Administrative and Professional Staff Positions, departments are encouraged to concentrate their search for replacements among the other Administrative and Professional Staff in the same department or in another department. If a department is unable to identify an acceptable Employee from within its own area, Human Resources should be contacted for assistance.

4.3.2      An Employee who wishes to exchange positions within or between departments for a duration of three (3) months to one (1) year will be able to do so subject to the approval of the supervisors of the department or departments affected.

4.3.3       The University and APSA will maintain a joint Position Rotation and Exchange Committee that will actively promote opportunities for position rotation and exchange. The Committee will:

a.     Try to match those seeking position rotation or exchange with others,

b.    Keep an index of requests and opportunities,

c.     Advise supervisors on the criteria to apply when making a decision to allow or disallow a requested position rotation or exchange,

d.    Report annually to the University and APSA on the extent and success of rotations and exchanges and make recommendations to enhance position enrichment through rotations and exchanges, and

e.     Study ways and means of providing reciprocal exchanges between the University and external organizations including agencies, institutions, government and business.