
Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professor


January 24, 2019

Revision Date



A 32.03

Revision No.


Policy Authority: Vice-President, Academic and Provost and Vice-President, Research and International

Associated Procedure: Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professor Procedure


1.1 A joint initiative of the Vice President, Academic and Provost and the Vice President, Research and International, the purpose of the Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professor program is to recognize 間眅埶AV faculty members of distinction who have achieved exceptional performance and distinguished accomplishments relative to their rank and years of service.


2.1 The title of Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professor recognizes and rewards research faculty of any rank who meet the following criteria:

2.1.1 Have a demonstrated and sustained record of distinguished, exemplary accomplishments in their scholarly or creative work and/or innovation relative to their rank and stage of their career;

2.1.2 Have a national and international reputation;

2.1.3 Have achieved pre-eminence in their field while also aligning with the Universitys strategic objective and/or emerging priorities and

2.1.4 Have a demonstrated commitment to collegial leadership and to engagement.

2.2 Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professors will bear the title Distinguished 間眅埶AV [Rank] Professor of [Specialty Subject Area]. All areas of scholarship will be considered with nominations whose scholarly activities align with and advance 間眅埶AVs strategic priorities encouraged.

2.3 Faculty members who hold internal or external named awards, such as endowed chairs and professorships, Canada Research Chairs or major salary awards from granting agencies are not eligible to be nominated for a Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professorship. A faculty member who holds a Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professorship must relinquish it if they receive such an award.

2.4 The cohort of Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professors will not normally exceed 4% of the 間眅埶AV professoriate at any one time. Appointments are phased to ensure appointment opportunities every year. Normally, at least two Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professors are available for each Faculty. It is recognized that larger faculties may receive more.

2.5 Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professorships are awarded for up to a 5-year term and come with a salary stipend of $20,000 per annum over and above the holders regular faculty salary for the duration of the award. The holder may request that the stipend be provided as a research grant instead of salary. While a single 5-year term will be the norm, in very exceptional circumstances an additional 5-year appointment may be considered at the sole discretion of the VP Academic and the VP Research & International. The number of appointments beyond 5 years will not normally exceed 10% of the total number of existing distinguished professors.

2.6 The Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professorship initiative will align with 間眅埶AVs equity and diversity objectives.


3.1 The responsibilities of Distinguished 間眅埶AV Professor will include giving public lectures and participating in other public events as requested by the Vice President, Academic and Provost and/or the Vice President, Research and International, as well as participating in mentorship and tutoring of junior faculty or other duties helping advance careers and excellence.


4.1 This Policy will be reviewed at least every three years.


5.1 This policy is jointly administered under the authority of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost and the Vice-President, Research and International.


6.1 Questions of interpretation and application of this policy or its procedures shall be referred to the Vice-President, Academic and Provost and the Vice-President, Research and International, who will jointly make a decision, which will be final.