
Strike Policy


October 1, 1992

Revision Date


A 30.05

Revision No.


  1. This policy applies to tenure-track, limited term and visiting faculty members, Lecturers and Senior Lecturers, Program Coordinators and Faculty Associates in the Faculty of Education, and to Laboratory Instructors.

  2. In the event of labour disputes involving 間眅埶AV, every effort will be made to continue to provide instruction and related essential services to students. Members of the instructional staff are expected to continue their normal teaching and research responsibilities. Those who are unable, for reasons of principle, to fulfill these commitments during a strike or lockout are required to inform the Department Chair1. Persons who withdraw their services will not receive their normal salary.

  3. The Department Chair will be responsible to ensure, to the extent possible, that the teaching and related commitments of the department are fulfilled including the offering of instruction, the maintenance of office hours for student consultation, the marking of student work, the submission of grades, and related matters. Such services may not be moved from their normal location because of a strike or lockout.

  4. When a strike seems imminent, Department Chairs will be asked to confirm their willingness to administer the policy. A Chair who cannot agree to this will be placed on leave from his/her administrative position for the duration of the strike.

  5. During a strike or lockout, the Vice-President, Academic and the Deans are responsible for maintaining effective communication with Department Chairs so as to minimize disruption of instruction and related essential services.


  1. A person who chooses not to teach during a labour dispute shall inform the Department Chair in writing within thirty-six hours after a strike notice has been served and has been announced publicly.

  2. Tenure-track, visiting, and limited term faculty members shall be subject to (a) and (b), below.

    1. Persons who do not teach during a labour dispute will have their salary reduced by 60 percent during the period that they are not teaching. If they withdraw from research activity they will receive no salary.

    2. When a person decides to resume his/her teaching responsibilities, the Dean, on the recommendation of the Department Chair, will decide whether to re-assign the person to the same courses, to different courses, or to full research responsibilities for the remainder of the semester. The Dean, on the recommendation of the Department Chair, will also decide whether the semester will be counted, for the purpose of sabbatical leave eligibility and research semester entitlement, as a teaching semester, a research semester, or neither.
  1. Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, Faculty Associates and Program Coordinators in the Faculty of Education, and Laboratory Instructors shall be subject to (a) and (b) below.

    1. Persons who refuse to teach during a labour dispute will have their salary stopped during the period that they are not teaching.

    2. When a person decides to resume his/her teaching responsibilities, the Dean, on the recommendation of the Department Chair, will decide whether to re-assign him/her to the same courses, to different courses, or to other responsibilities for the remainder of the semester. In the case of lecturers, the Dean, on the recommendation of the Department Chair, will also decide whether the semester will be counted as a full teaching semester or as a "third semester" for the purposes of A 12.01.
  1. The University will arrange for payments to benefit plans to continue on the same basis as previously.

  2. If instructional services cannot be maintained, the Department Chair may recommend to the Dean the discontinuance of the course or program.


Questions of interpretation or application of this policy or its procedures shall be referred to the President, whose decision on such questions shall be final.

1 In the case of Associates and Coordinators in the Faculty of Education, the Department Chair is the Director of Professional Programs.