
Search Committees for Deans


October 1, 1992

Revision Date

January 28, 2010


A 13.05

Revision No.


  1. Search Committee for Faculty Dean
Members Conditions
Vice-President, Academic (Or Designate) Chair
Two Deans Selected by the Deans. (At least one must be a Faculty Dean. The incumbent Dean is excluded from membership.)
Four Faculty Members Elected by and from the Faculty involved. No more than one faculty member from any department may be elected. At least two of the elected faculty must hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor.
One Undergraduate Student Selected from the Faculty involved by the Simon Fraser Student Society.
One Graduate Student Selected from the Faculty involved by the Graduate Student Society.
One Member of the Support Staff Elected by the support staff of the Faculty
Up to Two Additional Faculty Members Selected by the Vice-President, Academic to ensure appropriate gender representation.1

A quorum shall be 60% of the membership of the Committee.

No later than 10 months before the expiration of the Dean's term of office, the Vice-President, Academic shall initiate formation of a Dean's Search Committee. In the event the Dean leaves the position prior to the expiration of the term of office, a Search Committee shall be constituted as soon as possible.

The Registrar shall be responsible for conducting elections for Search Committees in accordance with the procedures for Senate elections.

Terms of Reference

  1. Stage One:
    The Committee shall review the incumbent's performance where that individual is eligible for and seeking re-appointment. The review will include meeting with the incumbent and broad consultation within the Faculty, with the Deans and Vice-Presidents, and with appropriate external constituents. If the committee is satisfied with the results of the review, it will recommend reappointment and a ratification vote will follow. This vote will require a 60% majority of the eligible votes cast.
  2. Stage Two:
    Where there is no incumbent eligible for and seeking re-appointment or where, as a result of a Stage One review, the Committee does not recommend the incumbent's re-appointment, the responsibilities of the Search Committee for a Faculty Dean shall include:
    1. deciding whether to include in its search persons outside the Faculty involved;
    2. engaging in a search for potential candidates and examining their credentials;
    3. consulting during the search procedure with all available department chairs in the Faculty involved;
    4. receiving expressions, as early as possible in the search process, of opinions and preferences of faculty, staff and students in the Faculty involved with regard to the qualities to be sought in a successful candidate; similarly receiving opinions about the qualifications of shortlisted candidates and their performance during forums, seminars or other public presentations.
    5. consulting with the department(s) most nearly concerned with the academic discipline of any deanship candidate about the academic standing of the candidate;
    6. obtaining, in the case of a candidate from within the University, ratification by vote of the Faculty involved of the candidate to be recommended to the President. This vote will require a simple majority of the votes cast;
    7. obtaining, in the case of a candidate from outside the University, an academic appointment under the terms of A 10.01 which requires a vote demonstrating support from within the academic unit;
    8. bringing to the President of the University within a reasonable period one or more recommendations for appointment to the position.
  3. If the President does not find it possible to recommend to the Board of Governors the appointment of a candidate recommended by the Committee, the President shall so inform the Committee, and shall supply an explanation of the decision. In such an event the Dean's Search Committee shall undertake once more the responsibilities outlined above.
  4. Any person who is a candidate for the position shall not be a member of the Search Committee
  5. If a member of the Search Committee leaves the Committee, the Vice-President, Academic may appoint a replacement.

  1. Search Committee for the Dean of Graduate Studies
Vice-President, Academic (Or Designate) Chair
Two Deans Selected by the Deans. (At least one must be a Faculty Dean. The incumbent Dean of Graduate Studies is excluded from membership.)
Faculty Members (one from each Faculty) Elected by and from the respective Faculties with at least two of the members holding the rank of Associate Professor or Professor.
Two Graduate Students Selected by the Graduate Student Society
One Member of the Support Staff Elected by the support staff of the Dean of Graduate Studies Office.
Up to Two Additional Faculty Members Selected by the Vice-President, Academic to ensure appropriate gender representation.1

A quorum shall be 60% of the membership of the Committee.

No later than 10 months before the expiration of the Dean's term of office, the Vice-President, Academic shall initiate formation of the Search Committee for the Dean of Graduate Studies. In the event the Dean leaves the position prior to the expiration of the term of office, a Search Committee shall be constituted as soon as possible.

The Registrar shall be responsible for conducting elections for the Search Committee in accordance with the procedures for Senate elections.

Terms of Reference

  1. Stage One:
    The Committee shall review the incumbent's performance where that individual is eligible for and seeking re-appointment. The review will include meeting with the incumbent and broad consultation within the University, with the Deans and Vice-Presidents, and with appropriate external constituents. If the committee is satisfied with the results of the review, it will recommend reappointment.
  2. Stage Two:
    Where there is no incumbent eligible for and seeking re-appointment or where, as a result of a Stage One review, the Committee does not recommend the incumbent's re-appointment the responsibilities of the Search Committee for the Dean of Graduate Studies shall include:
    1. deciding whether to include in its search persons outside the University;
    2. engaging in a search for potential candidates and examining their credentials;
    3. consulting during the search procedure with all available department chairs and chairs of graduate program committees;
    4. receiving expressions, as early as possible in the search process, of opinions and preferences of faculty, staff and students with regard to the qualities to be sought in a successful candidate; similarly receiving opinions about the qualifications of shortlisted candidates and their performance during forums, seminars or other public presentations;
    5. consulting with the department(s) most nearly concerned with the academic discipline of any candidate about the academic standing of the candidate;
    6. bringing to the President of the University within a reasonable period one or more recommendations for appointment to the position.
  3. When an external candidate is being recommended as Dean, an academic appointment under the terms of A 10.01 is required, which requires a vote demonstrating support from within the academic unit.
  4. If the President does not find it possible to recommend to the Board of Governors the appointment of a candidate recommended by the Committee, the President shall so inform the Committee, and shall supply an explanation of the decision. In such an event, the Search Committee for the Dean of Graduate Studies shall undertake once more the responsibilities outlined above.
  5. Any person who is a candidate for the position shall not be a member of the Search Committee.
  6. If a member of the Search Committee leaves the Committee, the Vice-President, Academic may appoint a replacement.

  1. Search Committee for the Dean of 間眅埶AV Learning
Members Conditions
Vice-President, Academic (Or Designate) Chair
Two Faculty Deans Selected by the Deans
Two Program Directors, 間眅埶AV Learning
Elected by and from the Program Directors, 間眅埶AV Learning
Three Faculty Members Appointed by the Vice-President, Academic
One Student Selected jointly by the SFSS and the Graduate Student Society
One Member of the Support Staff Elected by the support staff in 間眅埶AV Learning
Community Person Appointed by the Vice-President, Academic from a list of not more than five persons submitted by the executive of the alumni Association.

A quorum shall be 60% of the membership of the Committee.

In making appointments to the Committee, the Vice-President, Academic shall ensure appropriate gender representation.1

No later than 10 months before the expiration of the Dean's term of office, the Vice-President, Academic shall initiate formation of the Search Committee for the Dean of 間眅埶AV Learning. In the event the Dean leaves the position prior to the expiration of the term of office, a Search Committee shall be constituted as soon as possible.

The Registrar shall be responsible for conducting elections for the Search Committee in accordance with the procedures for Senate elections.

Terms of Reference

  1. Stage One:
    The Committee shall review the incumbent's performance where that individual is eligible for and seeking re-appointment. The review will include meeting with the incumbent and broad consultation within the University, with the Deans and Vice Presidents, and with appropriate external constituents. If the committee is satisfied with the results of the review, it will recommend reappointment.
  2. Stage Two:
    Where there is no incumbent eligible for and seeking re-appointment or where, as a result of a Stage One review, the Committee does not recommend the incumbent's re-appointment the responsibilities of the Search Committee for the Dean of 間眅埶AV Learning shall include:
    1. deciding whether to include in its search persons outside the University;
    2. engaging in a search for potential candidates and examining their credentials;
    3. consulting as early as possible during the search procedure with staff in 間眅埶AV Learning with regard to the qualities to be sought in a successful candidate; similarly receiving opinions about the qualifications of shortlisted candidates and their performance during forums, seminars or other public presentations;
    4. bringing to the President of the University within a reasonable time one or more recommendations for appointment as Dean of 間眅埶AV Learning.
  3. If the President does not find it possible to recommend to the Board of Governors the appointment of a candidate recommended by the Committee, the President shall so inform the Committee, and shall supply an explanation of the decision. In such an event, the Search Committee for the Dean of 間眅埶AV Learning shall undertake once more the responsibilities outlined above.
  4. Any person who is a candidate for the position shall not be a member of the Search Committee.
  5. If a member of the Search Committee leaves the Committee, the Vice-President, Academic may appoint a replacement.

  1. Search Committee for the Dean of Libraries and University Librarian
Vice-President, Research Chair
Two Deans Selected by the Deans. (At least one must be a Faculty Dean. The incumbent Dean is excluded from membership.)
Four Faculty Members Elected jointly by and from the faculty of the University, except that a Faculty cannot have more than one faculty representative.
One Graduate Student Selected by the Graduate Student Society.
One Undergraduate Student Selected by the SFSS.
Two Librarians Elected by the Librarians. [At least one shall be a Department Head or Associate University Librarian.]
One Member of the Support Staff Elected by the support staff of the Library.
Up to two additional persons Selected by the Vice-President, Research to ensure appropriate genderSelected by the Vice-President, Research to ensure appropriate gender or disciplinary representation. or disciplinary representation.

A quorum shall be 60% of the membership of the Committee.

The term of appointment shall normally be five years. An individual may be re-appointed through the process described in this document.

No later than 10 months before the expiration of the Dean's term of office, the Vice-President, Research shall initiate formation of the Search Committee for the Dean of Libraries and University Librarian. In the event the Dean leaves the position prior to the expiration of the term of office, a Search Committee shall be constituted as soon as possible.

The Registrar shall be responsible for conducting elections for the Search Committee in accordance with the procedures for Senate elections.

Terms of Reference

  1. Stage One:
    The Committee shall review the incumbent's performance where that individual is eligible for and seeking re-appointment. The review will include meeting with the incumbent and broad consultation within the University, with the Senate Library Committee, with the Deans and Vice-Presidents, and with appropriate external constituents. If the committee is satisfied with the results of the review, it will recommend reappointment.
  2. Stage Two:
    Where there is no incumbent seeking re-appointment or where, as a result of a Stage One review, the Committee does not recommend the incumbent's re-appointment the responsibilities of the Search Committee for the Dean of Libraries and University Librarian shall include:
    1. deciding whether to include in its search persons outside the University;
    2. engaging in a search for potential candidates and examining their credentials;
    3. receiving expressions, as early as possible in the search process, of opinions and preferences of faculty, students and library personnel;
    4. consulting with all available Deans, Vice-Presidents, department chairs and Librarian Administrators during the search procedure;
    5. consulting with the Senate Library Committee;
    6. obtaining, in the case of a candidate from within the Library, ratification by vote of the Librarians and Librarian Administrators of the Library;
    7. bringing to the President of the University within a reasonable period one or more recommendations for appointment to the position.
  3. When an external candidate is being recommended as Dean of Libraries and University Librarian, an appointment compatible with the terms of A12.03 is required.
  4. If the President does not find it possible to recommend to the Board of Governors the appointment of a candidate recommended by the Search Committee, the President shall so inform the Committee, and shall supply an explanation of the decision. In such an event, the Committee shall undertake once more the responsibilities outlined above.
  5. Any person who is a candidate for the position shall not be a member of the Search Committee. 6.    If a member of the Search Committee leaves the Committee, the Vice-President, Research may appoint a replacement.
  6. If a member of the Search Committee leaves the Committee, the Vice-President, Research may appoint a replacement


Questions of interpretation or application of this policy or its procedures shall be referred to the President, whose decision shall be final.
In this policy, the term "incumbent" shall be interpreted to mean a person who was originally appointed in accordance with the procedures specified in this policy. (Interpretation by President J.P. Blaney, April 4th, 2000)

1 While appropriate gender representation will be expected to vary, search committees should have at least 20% of their members from each gender.
Approved by the Board of Governors: May 28, 1998, September 25, 2007, March 26, 2009, January 28, 2010