
Terms of Appointment for Departmental Chairs/Directors of Schools and other Academic Administrators


September 1, 2000

Revision Date

April 1, 2005


A 13.04

Revision No.



  1. Definitions
    Associate Dean
    means the person appointed to undertake some of the responsibilities of Deans.

    Chair means the head of the academic unit and includes the Chair of an academic department, the Director of a School, and the Program Directors in the Faculties of Business Administration and Education.

    Associate Chair means the person appointed in some departments to assist the Chair.

    Director of Programs or Centres means the person appointed to administer certain academic programs.


  2. Stipends

    2.1 Chair

    The annual stipend will be determined by the unit's administrative complexity. There will be two levels of departments and schools (see Appendix A for the departments and schools in levels A and B).

    Level A: The annual stipend will be $10,176.

    Level B: The annual stipend will be $7,538.

    2.2 Associate Dean
    The annual stipend will be $10,176.

    2.3 Associate Chair
    The annual stipend will be 50% of the stipend paid the Chair of the same department.

    2.4 Directors of Programs
    The annual stipend will be determined by the program's administrative complexity. There will be two levels of programs (see Appendix A for the programs in Level C and D).


  3. Teaching Reduction
    Chairs and Associate Deans will receive a one-half reduction in the normal annual teaching assignment. Chairs and Associate Deans are expected to have one non-teaching semester each year.


  4. Research Grants
    Chairs and Associate Deans will be eligible to apply for research grant support. Grants may be made after careful review of the research program by the appropriate Dean. Support will be at a level appropriate to the discipline.


  5. Research Leave
    Chairs and Associate Deans will be granted research leave at full academic salary for two semesters after a three-year term and three semesters after the five-year term.


  6. Study Leave Eligibility
    Those who receive a reduced teaching assignment will accrue eligibility for study leave at the following rate: one-half of the normal annual teaching load will be considered equivalent to one teaching semester.


    Questions of interpretation or application of the policy shall be referred to the President, whose decision shall be final.

Appendix A

Level A Associate Deans
Biological Sciences, Chair
Business Administration, Director, Undergraduate Programs
Computing Science, Director
Contemporary Arts, Director
Economics, Chair
Education, Director, Professional Programs
English, Chair
Psychology, Chair
Level B Chairs/Directors
Archaeology, Chair
Business Administration, Director, Graduate Programs
Communication, Chair
Business Administration, Director MoT/MBA
Chemistry, Chair (After term of incumbent)
Criminology, Director
Earth Sciences, Chair
Education, Director, Graduate Programs
Education, Director, Undergraduate Programs
Education, Director, Field Programs
Engineering Science, Director
French, Chair
Geography, Chair
Gerontology, Chair
Health Sciences, Director, Undergraduate Program
Health Sciences, Director, Public Heath Practice
History, Chair
Humanities, Chair
Interactive Arts and Technology, Director       
Kinesiology, Director
Linguistics, Chair
Mathematics, Chair
Mechatronic Systems Engineering, Director
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Chair
Philosophy, Chair
Physics, Chair
Political Science, Chair
Resource and Environmental Management, Director
Sociology and Anthropology, Chair
Statistics and Actuarial Science, Chair
Women's Studies, Chair
International Communication, Director, Centre for
Systems Science, Director, Centre for
Level C Directors
  Community and Economic Development, Director
MA Liberal Studies, Director
M.Publishing, Director
Centre for Environmental Biology, Director
Clinical Psychology, Director
Level D Directors
  Latin American Studies, Director
Canadian Studies, Director
Law and Forensic Psychology, Director
Level N Miscellaneous administrative stipends determined on an individual basis: e.g.

CAPPS, Chair
Contemporary Arts, Assistant Director
Contemporary Arts, Technical Director
Contemporary Arts, Theatre Manager
Mental Health Law and Policy, Director
Praxis, Director

Appendix B

  Annual Stipend Bi-Weekly Amount
Level A $10,176 $390.04  
Level B $7,538 $288.93
Level C $5,088 $195.02  
Level D $3,769 $144.47

Previous Policies

Subject Effective Date Expiry Date
Terms of Appointments for Department Chairs/Directors of Schools and other Academic Administrators July 1, 1998 August 31, 2000