
Photo Credit: 間眅埶AV Faculty of Science


Igor Herbut Receives Marko Jaric Award

March 23, 2018

間眅埶AV Physics Professor Igor Herbut has been awarded the Marko Jaric Award for Physics for 2017. The award, presented earlier today at the Symposium On Latest Achievements in Physics at the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, is presented annually for outstanding scientific achievements in physics to a prominent physicist from Serbia, or of Serbian descent. Known as the Serbian Nobel Prize, the Marko Jaric Award is considered to be the most prestigious scientific prize in Serbia.

The presentation marks the second high-profile recognition Herbut has received in recent weeks. At the American Physical Societys annual meeting on March 6th, the 間眅埶AV researcher was presented with a certificate formalizing his election as a 2017 Fellow of the society. The Serbian award and the APS Fellowship each recognize Herbuts significant work on graphene.

In receipt of the award, Herbut joins illustrious company. Previous winners of the Marko Jaric have included Ivan Bo鱉ovi (Brookhaven), Vlatko Vedral (Oxford), and Vladan Vuleti (Cambridge).

The award bears the name of Professor Marko Jaric, a leading Serbian condensed matter theorist who conducted research in the field of Quasi-Crystals and passed away in 1997. Following his passing, The Foundation Prof. Dr. Marko V. Jaric, was founded to oversee the award and otherwise memorialize Prof. Jarics life and work.