

Annual Graduate Progress Review

Simon Fraser Univeristy requires that the Supervisory Committees of all graduate students report on the students progress at least once each year. The Annual Progress Review is typically arranged by the student every third term, towards the end of each year in the program. Students begining in the Fall term will typically hold their Annual Progress Reviews each August. Progress Report forms are available for download on the right side of this page.

There are 3 components to the Annual Graduate Progress Review:

1) Progress Summary

The Progress Summary is a one page written report completed by the student and submited to the Senior Supervisor and the Supervisory Committee one week before the Supervisory Committee Meeting. The Progress Summary is part of the Annual Progress Report (see below).

2) Annual Progress Report

The Annual Progress Report conisists of six sections:

  • Part 1 and sections of Part 2 are completed by the student and submitted to the Senior Supervisor one week before the Supervisory Committee Meeting.
  • Part 3 of the Annual Progress Report is the Progress Summary noted above.
  • Part 4 is a section for students to provide their own feedback.
  • Parts 5 and 6 are completed by the Senior Supervisor in consultation with the Supervisory Committee, and are submitted to the Physics Program Assistant after the meeting.
  • Part 7 is an approval page, and must be signed by all committee members as well as the student.
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3) Supervisory Committee Meeting

Students will consult with the Supervisory Committee to schedule a Supervisory Committee Meeting every third term, towards the end of each year in the program. Students begining in the Fall term will typically hold their Annual Progress reviews each August. Committee Meeting requirements and format can be discussed with the Senior Supervisor. However, most committee meeting will consist of the following items:

  • Presentation of the student's research plan and progress
  • Review of student's transcript in relation to 間眅埶AV's CGPA requirements
  • Review by the supervisory committee of the Student's submitted report, research progress, research goals, grades, course plan and funding.

Instructions for Completing Your Annual Progress Review

1) Schedule your committee meeting

  • Be sure to leave yourself enough time to write and submit your progress report! (You will need to submit the report to your supervisor early enough to give them time to review the report.)
  • Please contact your committee members directly to schedule your committee meeting.

2) Contact the Physics Program Assistant to let them know your confirmed supervisory committee meeting date, time and location.

3) Complete your progress form, including your report and CV (if required).

4) Submit all of your documentation (Progress Report Form, Progress Summary, CV) to your Senior Supervisor 1 week before your Committee Meeting.

5) You or your Senior Supervisor should submit your Annual Progress Report to the Physics Program Assistant as soon as possible following your meeting. It will need to be signed by each member of your committee.

Department of Physics Unsatisfactory Progress Policy

The policy is intended to clarify the implementation of Graduate General Regulation 1.8.2 Review of Unsatisfactory Progress in the Department of Physics.

A student may be found to be making unsatisfactory progress if either a) their CGPA falls below 3.0, or b) they receive an assessment of unsatisfactory progress on their annual progress report from the supervisory committee that is also found to be unsatisfactory by the GPC. In making a determination of whether a student's progress is unsatisfactory, the GPC will invite the student to meet with the GPC to present their research progress and consult with the supervisory committee on the student's progress.

In the first instance of unsatisfactory progress of either type a) or b), the GPC will usually determine a plan with the student and the supervisory committee to give a path for the student to return to satisfactory progress towards their degree.  In the event of a second instance of unsatisfactory progress, the student may be required to withdraw from the graduate program.