

Special Seminar

Nitride nanowire light emitting diodes

Maria Tchernycheva, University Paris Saclay
Location: Online

Tuesday, 22 June 2021 09:30AM PDT


Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used in many applications including high-efficiency lightning. The existing limitations of thin film LEDs have motivated a strong research effort on nanostructured devices as a way to boost the performance, to reduce the cost or to bring new functionalities.  

In this seminar, I will present our work on InGaN/GaN nanowire-based light emitting diodes. I will first discuss single nanowire properties and nanowire array LEDs on rigid substrates [1, 2, 3]. We use electron beam induced current microscopy and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy to detect failures and optimize the LED structure. Then I will focus on our recent progress toward flexible nitride nanowire devices. I will describe the approach for nanowire lift-off, transfer into polymer-embedded membranes and flexible contacting, which allows to combine high flexibility of polymer films with high quantum efficiency provided by nitride nanowires. Realization and characterization of blue, green, two-color and white flexible light sources will be presented [4, 5, 6, 7].  

[1] M. Tchernycheva, V. Neplokh, H. Zhang, P. Lavenus, L. Rigutti, F. Bayle, F. H. Julien, A. Babichev, G. Jacopin, L. Largeau, R. Ciechonski, G. Vescovi and O. Kryliouk, Coreshell InGaN/GaN nanowire light emitting diodes analyzed by electron beam induced current microscopy and cathodoluminescence mapping, Nanoscale 7, 11692 (2015).

[2] H. Zhang, G. Jacopin, V. Neplokh, L. Largeau, F. H. Julien, O. Kryliouk, M. Tchernycheva, Color control of nanowire InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes by post-growth treatment, Nanotechnology, 26, 465203A (2015).

[3] H. Zhang, V. Piazza, V. Neplokh, N. Guan, F. Bayle, S. Collin, A. Babichev, F. H Julien, AM Tchernycheva, Correlated optical and electrical analyses of inhomogeneous core/shell InGaN/GaN nanowire light emitting diodes, Nanotechnology 32, 105202 (2021).

[4] D. Xing, A. Messanvi, H. Zhang, C. Durand, J. Eymery, F. H. Julien, M. Tchernycheva, Flexible Light Emitting Diodes Based on Vertical GaN Nanowires, Nano Letters 15 (10), 6958 (2015).

[5] N. Guan, X. Dai, A. Messanvi, H. Zhang, J. Yan, E. Gautier, C. Bougerol, F. H. Julien, C. Durand, J. Eymery and M. Tchernycheva, Flexible White Light Emit-ting Diodes Based on Nitride Nanowires and Nanophosphors, ACS Photonics, 3, 597 (2016).

[6] N. Guan, N. Amador-Mendez, J. Wang, S. Das, A. Kapoor, F. H Julien, N. Gogneau, M. Foldyna, S. Som, J. Eymery, C. Durand and M. Tchernycheva 竄 Colour optimization of phosphor-converted flexible nitride nanowire white light emitting diodes 罈 J. Phys.: Photonics 1 (2019) 035003

[7] N. Guan, N. Amador-Mendez, A. Kunti, A. Babichev, S. Das, A. Kapoor, N. Gogneau, J. Eymery, F. Henri Julien, C. Durand, M. Tchernycheva, Heat dissipation in flexible nitride nanowire light-emitting diodes Nanomaterials 10 (11), 2271 (2020)