

BC Galaxy Summer Seminar

Looking for observational signatures of feedback from active galactic nuclei

Chiara Circosta, University College London
Location: Online

Wednesday, 07 July 2021 10:00AM PDT

*To request access to the videoconference, please contact physinfo@sfu.ca


The BC Galaxy Summer Seminar Series is jointly organized by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, UBC and UVic.
Feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) is thought to be key in shaping the life-cycle of host galaxies. AGN inject a significant amount of energy into the surrounding interstellar medium and launch gaseous winds. They are therefore able to potentially suppress or inhibit future star formation in their hosts. An ideal cosmic laboratory to study how AGN regulate galaxy growth is the so-called cosmic noon (z~2), i.e. the peak of AGN accretion activity when their energy output is overall maximized. In this talk I will describe our recent efforts to systematically characterize the impact of AGN on star formation in galaxies at cosmic noon. To this aim, we are exploiting integral field spectroscopy data obtained with SINFONI and ALMA observations of the ionized and molecular gas as well as dust continuum.