

Spring 2021 Colloquium Series - 29 January

January 29, 2021

The Simon Fraser Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Barnes will give a colloquium talk on January 29th.  The talk is entitled, Disability and Health: A Complicated Relationship.

This talk will take place over Zoom, and the link for Zoom access will be circulated to this list in advance.

Please note that we will be holding the talk at 2:30pm, instead of 3:30pm (a correction from the earlier schedule).


Speaker: Elizabeth Barnes

Date: Friday, Jan. 29th

Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm Pacific

Title: "Disability and Health: A Complicated Relationship"



Disability rights advocates often advocate for the idea that disability should be seen as a valuable aspect of human diversity. A similar approach to loss of health looks untenable, for a variety of reasons. Yet disability and loss of health are strongly correlated. My talk attempts to navigate the complicated relationship between disability and loss of health, especially as it relates to the kinds of claims often made by disability rights advocates.

Talks are held at the Burnaby Campus in room WMC 3510 from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m., unless otherwise indicated. They are free and open to the public.

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