PHIL 343: Philosophy of Mind
Spring Semester 2014 | Day | Burnaby
INSTRUCTOR: Jill McIntosh, WMC5606 (
1. Once term is underway, many of the required readings will be available on-line (password-protected, so only for registered students) via the class website. This is much cheaper for you than a hardcopy anthology, though (i) you dont get a cool hefty book for your shelf, (ii) you dont get to flip through fascinating but unassigned articles, and (iii) you must exercise due diligence in accessing the readings and (preferably) printing them up. If you would like to buy a good hardcopy anthology, I can advise, but I cannot guarantee that all readings would be from it.
2. Philosophy of Mind, 3rd edition. Jaegwon Kim, Westview Press, 2011.
Writing Philosophy: A Guide for Canadian Students, 2nd edition. Lewis Vaughn and Jillian Scott McIntosh, Oxford University Press, 2012. This book will be particularly useful if you are relatively new to writing philosophy papers. If youre an old hand, then not so much. Flip through it and decide.
It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.
Alfred North Whitehead
The subject matter of this course is not all obvious, but surely you think (or thought prior to taking some philosophy) that you know the workings of your own mind, at least quite a lot of the time, that other humans have minds in much the way you do, and that some of your actions are the result of some of your beliefs. But what is a mind? To avoid the impression that a mind is an object of some sort, perhaps a better question is what makes a state a mental state? What is the relationship between mental states and physical states (the mind/body problem)? What sorts of things can have mental states? How do we account for the intentionality (the aboutness, if you will) of some (all?) mental states? Are any mental states causally efficacious, and if so, how? What is consciousness and can we (and if so, how might we) explain it? Deliciously, not one of these questions has a fully-agreed-upon answer. We will aim for a critical overview of some of the main contemporary contenders.
- Participation - 20%
- First essay - 25%
- Midterm - 25%
- Second essay - 30%
Note: Students will be required to submit written work to for plagiarism-checking and also, possibly, for anonymous peer review or as the basis for class discussion.
Prerequisites: PHIL 100; and one of PHIL 201, PHIL 203 or COGS 200.