

PHIL 300: Introduction to Philosophy

Spring Semester 2014 | Evening | Burnaby


INSTRUCTOR: Bill Barthelemy (bill.barthelemy@kwantlen.ca)


  • C. Falzon, Philosophy Goes to the Movies:  An Introduction to Philosophy, Routledge
  • plus handouts


This is an introduction to some of the historically pervasive themes and questions in philosophy.  We will examine attempts to answer questions about KNOWLEDGE (e.g., do we know anything and, if so, what is the nature, source, and limits of our knowledge?), HUMAN NATURE (e.g., what motivates our actions and is our mind in some way distinct from our body?), MORALITY (e.g., why should we be moral and is there any truth to moral relativism?) and SOCIAL & POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY (e.g., what makes any government legitimate and what is the best way to politically arrange human societies?). 


  • 1st term test (2 hours) -30%              
  • 2nd term test (2 hours) -30%            
  • Participation -10%                           
  • Final exam (2.5 hours) -30%          

Missed Exams:  In dire circumstances, upon receipt of a legitimate excuse, supplemental exams may be arranged.  But, the excuse must be very good!

Prerequisites:  At least 60 units.  Normally, students with credit for Philosophy 100 may not take this course for further credit.  This course does not count towards the upper division requirements for a student pursuing a minor, major, or honors program in Philosophy.  Breadth-Humanities.  May be applied to the Certificate in Liberal Arts.