
Courses: Summer 2012 (1124)


Undergraduate Courses


PHIL XX1 Critical Thinking (lecture) Evening | Burnaby
[CLA] [Q] Open to all students.

PHIL 100W Knowledge and Reality (lecture/tutorial) Day | Burnaby
[CLA] [W] [B Humanities] Open to all students.
Note: The course outline has changed as of May 14, 2012.

PHIL 110 Introduction to Logic and Reasoning (lecture/tutorial) Day | Burnaby
[CLA] [Q] Open to all students.

PHIL 120W Introduction to Moral Philosophy (lecture/tutorial) Day | Burnaby
[CLA] [W] [B Humanities] Open to all students.

PHIL 150 History of Philosophy I (lecture) Evening | Vancouver
[CLA] [B Humanities] Open to all students.



There are no course offerings at the 200 level this semester.



PHIL 300 Introduction to Philosophy Evening | Vancouver
[CLA] [B Humanities] Prerequisite: at least 60 semester hours credit. Normally, students with credit for Phil 100 may not take this course for further credit. This course does not count towards the upper division requirements for a student pursuing a minor, major, or honors program in philosophy.

PHIL 331 Selected Topics: Nietzsche  Day | Burnaby
Prerequisite: To be determined.

PHIL 332 Selected Topics: Philosophy and Feminism  Day | Burnaby
Prerequisite: PHIL 100 or 120

PHIL 333 Selected Topics:  Philosophy of Biology Day | Burnaby
Prerequisite: PHIL 100 or 144.

PHIL 357 Topics in the History of Philosophy Day | Burnaby
Prerequisite: PHIL 100 or 151.
Note: The course outline has changed as of May 14, 2012.



PHIL 421W Advanced Topics in Ethical Theory Day | Burnaby
[W] Prerequisite: one of PHIL 120, 320, or 321.

PHIL 477 Honors Tutorial I (seminar)
At least eight weeks prior to the semester in which they wish to enroll in PHIL 477, honors students should obtain departmental approval of a proposed syllabus and arrange for faculty supervision of the course. Open only to honors students.

PHIL 478 Honors Tutorial II (seminar)
At least eight weeks prior to the semester in which they wish to enroll in PHIL 478, honors students should obtain departmental approval of a proposed syllabus and arrange for faculty supervision of the course. Open only to honors students.

Graduate Courses


PHIL 823 Selected Topics in Meta Ethics Day | Burnaby

PHIL 898 M.A. Thesis

PHIL 899 Non-thesis Project

PHIL 998 Ph.D. Thesis