PHIL 100W Knowledge and Reality
Spring Semester 2012 | Day | Burnaby
- Perry, Bratman and Fischer (eds.), Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings, OUP
- Vaughn and McIntosh, Writing Philosophy: A Guide for Canadian Students. OUP
We shall concern ourselves, in very broad terms, with the nature of the self, and the nature of the world and the nature of the relationship between the two. Our primary goal is to do some original philosophical thinking about these topics ourselves. We shall engage this goal in two ways: 1) by reading and discussing how some of the best minds of the past several millennia have answered these questions; and 2) by writing frequently about these (and other, related) questions and revising one's writing in light of feedback. By engaging in this way, students will learn the fundamental principles of analytical writing, including argument reconstruction and analysis.
We shall begin by reading selections from Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy. This classic text shall lead us to focus on several related questions:
- To what degree is our belief in the existence of the physical world justified?
- Is the mind a non-physical, soul-like thing? Or is it a material part of the body?
- Are humans free to do as they please? Or are we mere cogs in nature's deterministic causal mechanism?
- Could I survive total amnesia? The loss of my body? Could I exist in a different body?
- Is death a bad thing?
- Two 1100-1500 word papers (including revisions) - 25% each
- Short written assignments due in tutorial - 10% total
- Midterm exam - 15%
- Final exam - 25%
NOTE: Philosophy 100 has no prerequisites and may be applied towards the , the W-requirement, and the Breadth/Humanities requirement.