

Tuition and self-enrollment for the Fall 2024 term are due on Sepember 17, 2024 11:59pm PST. MSE MASc and PhD students must be enrolled in their PhD Qualifying Exam or thesis course every term until they graduate.

10 min read
Last updated: August 2024


  • Graduate level courses at 間眅埶AV range between 500 - 900, whereas undergraduate level courses range between 100 - 400.
  • MSE graduate courses range between 700-900.
  • Undergraduate courses do not count towards degree completion for graduate students.
  • MSE 900 level courses are reserved for MSE MEng students only
  • MSE MASc & PhD students, please consult your supervisor if you are unsure about which courses you should be taking.
  • If you wish to take an MSE 700 level course, make sure to enroll as soon as possible as these courses are graduate + undergraduate level combined courses, therefore there may be limited seats for graduate students.
  • Effective Spring 2022, MSE 801 has been replaced by MSE 802.
  • For an extensive list of undergraduate and graduate MSE courses and their descriptions please visit the page on the current Academic Calendar. Note that not every course is offered every term. In order to check if a course if being offered in a specific term, visit the Course Outlines page.


Self-enrollment is done through the go間眅埶AV portal. Please see the page for instructions.


Please ensure that you are enrolled in your thesis or Qualifying Examination course as soon as possible after enrollment opens, even if you are still deciding on which other courses to take. You must be enrolled in your thesis course every term, until you graduate.

MSE 898 - MASc Thesis
MSE 890 - PhD Qualifying Examination
MSE 899 - PhD Thesis
MASc students need to enroll in MSE 898 every term until they graduate, including the term they are defending their thesis.
PhD students need to enroll in MSE 890 every term until they pass their Qualifying Examination, including the term they are taking their QE.
PhD students need to enroll in MSE 899 every term after they pass their Qualifying Examination and before they graduate, including the term they are defending their thesis.


G100 G200
in person version

remote version

Directed Studies

Directed Studies Application Form (Updated December 2023)
Submit form using the CourSys link below.

Directed Studies proposals require approval from the GPC chair. Students are not able to enroll themselves.

All DS coursework has to be completed within one term. Starting with Fall 2022, Directed Studies extensions are not allowed.

MSE 891 Directed Studies does count towards MASc and PhD program requirements as one of the two MSE courses.

Please refer to the CourSys link for detailed information.

Taking Non-MSE Courses at 間眅埶AV

MSE graduate students can enroll in undergrad and grad courses outside of their program with their supervisor's (or co-supervisors') approval.

Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) courses start with CMPT, ENSC, MSE, and SEE. (e.g. SEE 811, CMPT 726)

Other FAS GPAs may help you enroll in certain FAS courses for which you may be missing pre-requisites.

You may need to submit a Course Add/Drop form to enroll in non FAS/SCI courses.

Course Add/Drop Form

This form is originally located on GS' Forms page.

Taking Courses at other universities

間眅埶AV graduate students can take courses at in British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan through Western Deans Agreement (WDA). If you have seen a course that has captured your attention at UBC, BCIT or another eligible university, this is your chance to take the course.

WDA applications need to be submitted to GS every term when enrollment opens in week 9. Our office needs time to review your forms before relaying them to GS.

Please fill out a WDA form and submit it to our office via CourSys: MSE Enrollment Request no later than week 8 of the term. Make sure to check off the WDA option.

Auditing Courses

Auditing a course is different than unofficially sitting in a class. Audited courses are noted on your transcript with an AU notation, and they have no effect on CGPAs.

Audited courses do not count toward degree requirements. (continued GGR 1.4.6)

Course Add/Drop Form

This form is originally located on GPS' Forms page.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat courses for credit with the permission of their supervisor/s and GPC chair.

The course(s) with the lower grade will be recorded on official records as an excluded course. If the same grade or grade equivalent value is earned for a repeated course, the course that was completed most recently is included in the term grade point average (GPA) and cumulative GPA, and the former course is excluded in the term GPA and cumulative GPA. (continued on Policies and Procedures)

Course Add/Drop Form

This form is originally located on GPS' Forms page.


Students are required to enroll every term unless they have been granted a leave of absence from their program.

Enrollment only in an audit course or a course outside program requirements does not satisfy the requirement for continuity of enrollment. When a student does not enroll and is not on an approved leave of absence, the student is discontinued from their program.

If you have been discontinued, you may apply for a reactivation in the same term. Retroactive reactivations are not allowed.

Leave of Absences

From time to time, students find it necessary to interrupt their studies. In this case, they must apply for a leave of absence. Typically, a leave of absence begins on the first day of an academic term and approval for the leave is obtained before the term begins. (continued on GGR 1.4.5)

Leave of Absence Application Form

This form is originally located on GS' Forms page.


Students may apply for an extension to the time limit if they are enrolled in a master's or doctoral program and need more time to complete the program requirements. A single extension may be for one to three terms, and students may be granted more than one extension.

Extension Application Form

This form is originally located on GS' Forms page.


Students who are not enrolled or on leave by the end of the 6th week of classes within a term, will be discontinued from their program.

Students who have not reached the time limit for their program and are discontinued from their program, may apply for reactivation in the same term in which they were discontinued and be retroactively enrolled. (continued on GGR 1.4.8)

Reactivation Application Form

This form is originally located on GS' Forms page.


Students may withdraw from a course without academic penalty up to the end of the 9th week of classes in any term.

A student may withdraw from the University at any time by notifying the chair of the graduate program committee and the associate director, graduate admissions, records and registration.