
Forms and Resources

All forms are now located under the headings they belong in. (i.e. If you are looking to enroll in Directed Studies, the DS application form will be under Enrollment > Directed Studies).

MSE graduate students pay flat-rate tuition.

MSE graduate students pay tuition per term.  Undergraduate courses are available to graduate students at an additional cost. Please refer to the Tuition & Fees page for details.

Please declare your supervisory committee as soon as possible.

MASc + PhD students: Noting your supervisor's name in your admission application does not automatically appoint them as your supervisor. To officially declare your supervisor please refer to the Supervisory Committees page.

Do you wish to speak to a faculty member in-person?

Please make an appointment with them via email before coming to the campus. Unlike admin staff, faculty members may not be on campus all day. Please refer to the faculty directory for contact information.

Requesting letters

Enrollment/Employment Confirmation

Requests are submitted through CourSys. Students need to complete their course requirements and pass their Qualifying Exam in order to be considered PhD candidates.

GPS Dates + Deadlines


Make sure you do not miss any deadlines. Enroll in + drop courses, submit your U-Pass exemption request, and apply for graduation on time.

Request a key or card to access your lab and classrooms. You will need to log into CourSys with your computing ID and password to fill out this form.

Getting Started


Make sure you are starting off on the right foot

Graduate Fellowships and more

Financial Awards

Check eligibility criteria and learn how to apply. New competitions open every term!

Updated with each academic calendar, these rules governing graduate programs are set by GPS.

GPS Grad Student


All your questions answered, by GPS. Especially useful for new students.

Mental Health Resources

Health + Counselling

MySSP and 間眅埶AV's Health & Counselling Services available to graduate students.

Keep up with the news, upload your CV and Supervisory Committee Report (annual progress report) here.

Common Abbreviations


What is GS, FAS or a GF? You will find an extensive list of 間眅埶AV jargon here.

Gaining Industry Experience


Applications are submitted through FAS.

MSE Admin Office

Graduate Drop-In

Drop-in with your GPA to get your questions answered regarding program requirements, enrollment, qualifying exams, thesis defences, supervisory committees and more.

Additional resources are available on Student Resources page.