
Mənat̓ᶿɛ ʔi tə ɬoq̓ʷ

Mnat廑褫 i t 优oq妢

Written by Veselin Jungic, 間眅埶AV, and Mark MacLean, UBC

Tla'amin translation: Marion HarryBetty Wilson, and Marianne Huijsmans

Ilustrador: Simon Roy,Victoria, BC

hhw 优a优at肊n mnat廑褫. h优 k妢 aas x妢 ns k妢 t肊禳osm.

h k妢 tawn x妢 ns 禳 nu优s. k妢uk妢hats k妢 tiw禳肊ms.


Tla'amin-English Transcript


hhw 优a优at肊n mnat廑褫. h优 k妢 aas x妢 ns k妢 t肊禳osm.

Mena聽ey was very mischevious. His parents lived in Tla'amin.

h k妢 tawn x妢 ns 禳 nu优s. k妢uk妢hats k妢 tiw禳肊ms.

His sister lives in town. She is furthering her studies.

uk妢 t廑穎k妢 x妢 qaqsms mnat廑瞠y hega nwa k妢 asqi. uk妢 x妢 k妢nk妢nts. 庛iy肊 k妢 nux妢优. 妢o妢o优mot ns tan.

Every day, Mena聽ey and Chenwa play outside. They were looking around everywhere. They found a canoe. It must have been there a long time.

i k妢nx妢s aju tihmot tihaymot tmay. i k妢nx妢as aju t 妢o妢o优mot atk妢 ns t q妢t.

And they also saw the biggest cedar tree. And they also saw an old totem pole on the beach.

mas sm 庛ux妢ns k妢nx妢at tin oq妢owi, ho庛ot k妢a mnat廑瞠y nwa. 庛o aapapi ns t mstn.

I wonder how many more discoveries we will make this summer, said Mena聽ey to Chenwa. They were going back to the village.

肊g肊tm禳t k妢i 优tn natm 禳 tans mnat廑褫. qasqasm k妢a. ga t廑穎妢oy肊m. hoy ga, q妢olx妢 k妢ana肊m t 庛w庛tn.

It's almost time for us to eat, said Mena聽ey's mother. She was smiling. Hurry and wash your hands. And come sit down at the table.

q妢ol hwt 禳肊庛 nu优. a k妢ms uk妢 to妢ox妢 k妢 yey庛ots k妢 papm sm.

Your sister just arrived. We want to know everything she will be doing at work.

hot廑褫m qamt ti hega t廑 qmqm. ho禳t 庛qm. t廑褫t廑褫ym禳t nams k妢 ows k妢s 妢o妢o优. a k妢ms toox妢 x妢 nms k妢 t廑瘸t廑瘸优awumo优. hega k妢 qaqmsaamo优.

I'm going to join my professor and friends. We will dig. They are searching for things like tools from long ago. We want to know how they gathered food. And stored it.

uk妢 ot tam hayhitamo优. aw k妢ms to妢ox妢 k妢ns tama优 ow.

Everything that was made. We want to know what kind of tools.

aos mnat廑褫. 肊m 庛ux妢ns tonx妢 k妢 妢o妢o优os t ow?

Mena聽ey looked puzzled. How can you know how old a tool is?

qasqasm Sosan. at廑融t i qat廑瘸gat禳t. hhw aann k妢ms ow k妢ms s妢o妢o优. x妢ap 庛ahap 庛庛qna.

Sosan smiled. We measure and calculate. The tools from our past are very precious. You guys don't go digging around..

ho k妢tm Mnat廑褫 nwa 禳 paa qji k妢i.

The next morning, Mena聽ey went to see Chenwa.

tawts nwa, n 庛庛qm k妢 qaym肊x妢 k妢 n k妢anm. k妢ayimot禳tm t ayign i jqant禳tm.

He told Chanwa, There are people digging at k妢anm. We'll hide in the bushes and watch.

aqaqm mnat廑褫: hanm qaqm. qjiya庛ott廑褫m ts庛ot.

Mena聽ey whispered: They are too thick. Let me try to get closer.

ho gn k妢 saa qam i k肊lt禳肊n!

He squeezed between two bushes and tripped!

庛o k妢a palk妢tm. 庛o k妢a taa.

He rolled down. He landed over there.

k妢nosx妢s t tum肊禳. nm k妢 qt t g肊j t tum肊禳.

He looked into the face of a man. The man looked like he was stuck in the mud.

iyx妢s ga Sosan a优tqn. 肊m 庛 q妢ol tso优? ot sm to妢nom tms aa i hhwx妢m maax妢 k妢 优a.

He heard Sosan's angry voice. How did you get here? If our parent's find out, you'll be in trouble.

优aqm Sosan!, natm t tum肊禳. qji ot n qq优a. k妢tsx妢 it mnat廑褫 k妢ns ot i. i k妢nasx妢 ga k妢 uk妢 tams t. k妢nmsx妢 k妢 uk妢 maax妢atu优 sk妢ijo优.

Wait Sosan!, said the man. He was still kneeling. Check if Mena聽ey is ok. And show him everything here. You can show him what we got this morning.

tat k妢a q妢aq妢aqm tms aaay,, natm Sosan. 庛o ma禳 t seylawtx妢.

Our ancestors used to hunt seals and sea lions, said Sosan. They were walking to the tent.

qji ot saysiym k妢 mooss mnat廑褫. hhw titihmut t titauwm肊x妢. hhw sm at k妢庛 maax妢.

Mena聽ey was still dizzy. They are such big animals. They'd be hard to get.

otx妢 maax妢 k妢 paa i qamot mj庛 k妢 maax妢x妢.

If you get one, you get a lot of meat.

itm Sosan t ajumi禳 ajiys. msis tita. h优 yiqa禳mo优 k妢 hiyt k妢 优oq妢.

Sosan pointed to a beautiful rock. That's slate. They used to use it to make arrows.

mats 禳 msis i papalk妢ts t eyi禳s. x妢a qaas qaym肊x妢 k妢inato优 tan moos t 优oq妢.

She took the stone and rolled it in her hand. Not many people have held an old arrowhead.

papk妢ats t 优oq妢. hhw t廑瘸mtmot. x妢a ayiy肊ts t nu优as.

He watched the arrow. He was really amazed. He didn't hear his sister.

qji ot k妢ayit nwa. aq妢osm mnat廑褫.

Chanwa must be still hiding. Mena聽ey slapped his forehead.

ho it ju. tt廑褫m k妢nom.

I have to go. I'll see you.

pt廑穎sts t nu优as i 庛ohit. suwosm Sosan. anom n肊gi t廑 q.

He hugged his sister and left. Susan shook her head. I love you little brother.

gay优tn ga: 肊m 庛ux妢ns 妢o妢o优s t ajiys?

I ask: How old is the rock?



Written by: Veselin Jungic, 間眅埶AV, and Mark MacLean, UBC
Voice: Marion Harry of the Tla'amin Nation
Illustrator: Simon Roy, Victoria, BC
Sound: Marianne Huijsmans, UBC
Music and Animation: Pielle Family, The Tla'amin Nation
Producer: Veselin Jungic, 間眅埶AV
Director: Andy Gavel, Vancouver, BC, and Aidan Wright, Victoria, BC

Special Thanks To:

  • Betty Wilson of the Sliammon Nation
  • Rudy Reimer of the Squamish Nation
  • Donna Gerdts, 間眅埶AV
  • Barbara Winter, 間眅埶AV
  • Tom Archibald, 間眅埶AV
  • John Maxwell, University of Victoria
  • Ozren Jungic, Ottawa, ON
  • Pam Borghardt, Port Coquitlam, BC
  • Department of Mathematics, 間眅埶AV
  • Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
  • Faculty of Science, 間眅埶AV
  • Office for Aboriginal Peoples, 間眅埶AV
  • Pacific Institute For Mathematical Sciences
  • The IRMACS Centre, 間眅埶AV

Part of this story is inspired by the Tlaamin-間眅埶AV Field School in Archaeology & Heritage Stewardship 2008 Season Report & 2009 Prospectus