
mna庛y hga tamay
(Sliammon Translation)

Sliammon Translation by Betty Wilson (Ochele) from the Sliammon Nation
Written by Veselin Jungic and Mark MacLean
Illustrated by Simon Roy and Jess Pollard

Small Number and the Big Tree

Small Number is a young boy who gets into a lot of mischief. With his sister Perfect Number he visits their Grandma who lives in a small village on their Nations traditional territory.

Story Transcript: English and Sliammon

mna庛y hga tamay
Mentally and the Cedar tree
hw pay 优a优atn mna庛y. pay gagay优tn k妢 uk妢 tams. 庛o qamtm 禳 qs, sosan, 禳 paa t廑穎k妢 ta ays 禳 肊ys.
Mentally was always up to mischief. He was curious about everthing. One day he and his sister, Sosan went to visit their grandmother.
aapi ta ays 禳 肊ys. uk妢 tm k妢nk妢nts. qajot ppi i pak妢ux妢s 禳 p肊u. "k妢t gi ta atk妢s. hw ajumi禳 mot." natm mna庛y. qapts 禳 p肊u. "h优 at廑 p庛o优 a hito优",natm 禳 肊ys. "tonx妢ax妢 h优 ta k妢amnas k妢 tamay pay yiqa禳t?"
Menathey wandered around his grandmother's house. Looking at everything. He was still wandering around when he noticed a basket. "Look at the design. it is so beautiful." said Menathey. Touching the basket. "It was my aunt who made it", said his grandmother. "Do you know that we always use cedar roots?"
k妢nostm 禳 肊ys. yos mna庛y. "hopsm qam庛 k妢ism k妢 庛im. ho禳tm mam k妢 k妢amn. q妢aga 优tn禳t. taw庛庛m ninij k妢 tamay. hw禳t ti:sx妢. uk妢tm hahitt twa ta tamay. asm ajut k妢 timx妢s."
His grandmother looked at him. Menathey looked puzzled. "you and your sister will come with me tomorrow and go up to the woods. We will go and get cedar roots. Let us eat now. I will tell you about Cedar. We treat it with respect. We make many things from the cedar tree. It also has strong medicine."
"tt 庛o 庛qn hwtms hanm mm. qa ga tat廑 k妢amn ta soti. h优 yiqa禳n k妢at廑 him k妢 p肊u." natm 肊y. mot 庛o tasw k妢 庛im.
"I like to dig cedar roots before it gets cold and freezes. Then i have lots of cedar roots for the winter. It is what I use to make baskets." said granny. It did not take them long to get to the forest.
优aayitn ot. hw ajqp ta 庛im, hotgn mna庛y. qa k妢 ttsts iyts. "tm n awtgns ta titi ymajj?" nonpganm mna庛y. 庛o mts ns 禳 qa tamay. "hw i:mot t. 庛i mot. q妢ayin 庛iy肊sa优禳 庛ox妢肊ns k妢 aqts! k妢ts ta q妢atm. k妢kt ta jnx妢! hehw qa mot jnx妢.
It is a very misty morning. Menathey smells the sweet scent of the forest. He hears the birds singing. "I wonder what is behind the big trunks of the trees?" thinks Menathey. He went towards a grove of cedar trees. "This tree is really good. How straight. It must be at least 50 meters tall!" He looked towards the river. The fish were swimming upstream! So many!
iyx妢s k妢 tams. 庛o k妢aymot awtms 禳 ti jj. x妢 妢os,ttat廑瘸wus, mna庛y. k妢nux妢s 禳 ma优 hga mma优s. "hmm, gnax妢la! mum k妢 ts ta jnx妢! natm mna庛y. "hehw ajus庛ot tin t廑穎k妢!"
Menathey hears something. He hides behind a big tree. It does not take long before Menathey peeks out from behind the tree. He sees a black bear with cubs. "hmmm, it is true! They are eating the fish!" whispered Menathey. "This is the best day of my life!"
"妢a妢aa庛o优 ga x妢ux妢 庛o ppay mmi禳, mna庛y" hot 禳 肊ys. k妢tosm mna庛y. jqa n 禳 肊ys. p庛osts 禳 肊ys. "hw anome, 肊y!" "anom ajut. x妢ax妢 ssaystom禳x妢 qy." natm 肊y.
"I told you not to go wandering by yourself, Menathey" said granny. Menathey turned around. His granny was standing behind him. He gave her a big hug. "I love you, granny!" "I love you too. Please do not scare me again." said granny.
庛o apiyw k妢 ays ta 肊y. x妢tot x妢a mas ?优tanit mna庛y. q妢yq妢ay mot. tatawts sosan hga 肊y ninij uk妢tm k妢nuxas k妢 庛im. "k妢nux妢o优n 禳 ma优 优tn k妢 jnx妢! k妢nux妢o优n 禳 ti mot tamay! 庛ox妢n ti:s ta ymajjs, q妢ayin x妢tot taa肊saye 庛 qmqm ayi禳staw优 k妢 yuk妢ots 禳 jj. h优sm ma优 jj t廑 nansx妢!"
They went back to granny's house. Menathey could hardly eat for talking so much. He told Sosan and his granny about everything that he saw in the woods. "I saw a black bear eating fish! I saw the biggest cedar tree! The trunk was so big that i think it would take 8 of my friends holding hands to circle the tree. I will call it the bear tree!
"x妢ax妢 tawtux妢 t廑 tan k妢at廑 yy庛oto优 k妢 庛im. t廑 庛o ppay mmi禳."
"just don't tell mom what i did in the woods. That i went wandering off by myself."
gay优tn: 肊m 庛ox妢ns k妢 pqs 禳 ma优 jj?
Question: How wide was the Bear Tree?

Credits and Acknowledgements

Written by Veselin Jungic, 間眅埶AV, and Mark MacLean, UBC; Voice (English): Willard (Buddy) Joseph of the Squamish Nation; Voice (Hul'q'umi'num'): Delores Louie (Swustanlwut); Voice (Sliammon): Betty Wilson (Oshelle); Voice (Squamish): Norman Guerrero Jr. (Set獺lten); Illustrators: Simon Roy and Jess Pollard, Victoria, BC; Sound (English): Ericsson San Pablo Chu, 間眅埶AV; Sound (Hul'q'umi'num'): Donna Gerdts (Sp'aqw'um''ultunaat) and Thomas Jones (Sewit); Music and Animation: Andy Gavel, 間眅埶AV; Producer: Veselin Jungic, 間眅埶AV; Director: Andy Gavel, 間眅埶AV; Special Thanks To: Betty Willson of the Sliammon Nation; Jessica Humchitt of the Heiltsuk Nation; Stephani Monkman of the M矇tis Nation; Ozren Jungic, University of Oxford; Pam Borghardt, 間眅埶AV; Alejandro Erickson, Durham University; Department of Mathematics, 間眅埶AV; Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia; Faculty of Science, 間眅埶AV; Office for Aboriginal Peoples, 間眅埶AV; Pacific Institute For Mathematical Sciences; The IRMACS Centre, 間眅埶AV;