
5th Annual LSURC Conference Shows Large 間眅埶AV Presence with Four Presenters and Award Recipient  from Linguistics.

March 17, 2021

This year at UBC's 5th annual Language Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference (LSURC), four LING 282W students were selected to present their final papers. The conference, which took place on February 12-13 included a large undergraduate presence. Unlike previous years, this year's conference was drastically different as it was held virtually, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Special Recognition to the Following Presenters:

  • Blair Chartrand
  • Breanne Esau
  • Annika Fong

"Although LSURC was held virtually this year, I still felt the experience was truly amazing. Since the online format opened up the conference nationally, it allowed for everyone to witness such a diverse presence of students from different universities. I am grateful that I was encouraged by Professor Bliss to participate in this years conference, as I was exposed to how broad the field of linguistics really is. LSURC has further inspired my interest in research, and hopefully I will be able to present again in future conferences."

  • Tabatha Mason

"LSURC was both an amazing experience and a valuable opportunity. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in the research conference. I enjoyed listening and viewing some amazing presentations, from both students of 間眅埶AV and other universities. Being a newer student in linguistics and having never attended a research conference, I was really intimidated. I wasnt sure what to expect, especially with the online format, but I can now say that it was really fun and interesting! A lot of work goes into the whole process, but at the end of the day, I would definitely recommend it. Im looking forward to LSURC next year, with fingers crossed that it will be held in person! Also a big thank you to Heather Bliss for her continuous support and encouragement."

A huge congratulations to Tabath Mason for receving two awards at this year's LSURC conference!

Tabatha tied for 1st place in the best poster competition and she received an honourable mention for the paper in the 間眅埶AV Student Learning Commons writing competition. The paper is titled paper "The Incorporation of English Noun Loanwords into Japanese Syntax."

Tabatha offers advice for students thinking of applying to the conference in future:

"I first would recomend not to shy away from submitting an abstract - it doesn't hurt to try, especially if you wrote something that really made you proud in a class. I encourage those who plan to participate in LSURC to make use of the available resources, like the linguistics writing center. If you get stuck, remember that instructors (and classmates) are always there to help."

Article Written by Michelle Beninteso