
Linguistics, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, research, poster, 2017, graduate, students,

Fall 2017 Poster Session

May 07, 2018

Falling asleep at your desk? Stand up and wander to our poster session and you might even find that we have coffee waiting for you. I KNOW, RIGHT? Read the posters, or hear short 1-3 minute summaries of the research. If a project really catches your interest - something will, guaranteed, or (we'll take) your coffee back - you'll have time to interact with the investigators and ask in-depth questions about their research. Open to the public. 

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Thursday December 7, 2017
10:00 am – 12:00 pm | Halpern 126


  • Heikal Badrulhisham | Turkish Polar Question Morpheme Placement 
  • Valerie Bob | 100 Hul’q’umi’num’ Stories: Childhood Remembrances
  • Lydia Castro | Wh-Movement in ASL
  • Sylvia Cho | Effects of Clear Speech and Language Background on Multimodal Perception of English Fricatives
  • Xizi Deng | Processing Prosody to Avoid Ambiguity in Sentence Comprehension: Evidence from Tone Sandhi Pattern in Shanghainese
  • Chung-hye Han, Sara Williamson, Logan Born, Anoop SarkarCoordination in TAG Without the Conjoin Operation
  • Panayiotis Pappas, Maite Taboada, Kathryn Alexander | Teaching Linguistic Argumentation Through a Writing-Intensive Approach
  • Ethan Pincott Morphosemantics of Place Names in the Squamish Language
  • Irina Presnyakova, Panayiotis Pappas, Pocolo Umbal | The Effect of Ethnic Heritage on the Canadian Shift of Vancouver Speakers
  • Helen Zhang | Information Structure and Pronoun Resolution in Spanish