Dr. Maite Taboada, Associate Professor at the time of the articles publication, is now a full Professor in the Department of Linguistics at 間眅埶AV, involved with Linguistics research alongside interdisciplinary work with the Cognitive Science Program and the School of Computing Science at 間眅埶AV.
Sentiment analysis continues to be a huge area of research for Dr. Taboada, as it connects with her longstanding interests in the nature of evaluative language.
My first exposure to sentiment analysis was within a very niche context, involving the analysis of stock market predictions. Since then, various recent trends have made sentiment analysis an extremely useful tool for acquiring data from digital sources. Dr. Taboada says now that some current projects involve constructing tools for the purposes of deepening our understanding of online news commentswhich has applicability for content moderation and the detection of deliberate misinformation: topics of crucial importance, given the current state of affairs.