
July 06, 2020


Although it was not the celebration that we would have liked to have, the Department of Linguistics celebrated its most recent graduating class in a virtual reception on June 11. As part of our recognition of students, we featured stories about several of our new graduates.


From our Graduate Program:

  • Heikal Badrulhashim, MA
  • Noortje de Weers, PhD
  • Danielle Deng, MA

From our Undergraduate Program:

  • Rachelle Deutsch, BA
  • Taylor Ferguson, BA
  • Julienne Melmenétkwe Ignace, BA
  • Simone Kurschner, BA
  • Corliss Ng, BA
  • Linh Nguyen, BA


S Lecturer HEATHER BLISS along with co-authors Inge Genee, Marie-Odile Junker, and Daniel Paul O'Donnell, published a paper in the inaugural issue of . This open access publication was formally announced at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute earlier this month.

Bliss, Heather, Inge Genee, Marie-Odile Junker, & Daniel Paul O'Donnell. (2020). , Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities, 1(1).

S PhD student BOUCHRA KACHOUB and Professor SUZANNE HILGENDORF were invited to contribute a carte blanche to the online journal Mélanges Crapel: Revue en didactique des langues et sociolinguistique. Their contribution appears in a special dossier on the topic Plurilinguisme et politiques linguistiques et éducatives au Maghreb.  

Kachoub, Bouchra, and Suzanne K. Hilgendorf. "" Special dossier on "Plurilinguisme et politiques lingguistiques et éducatives au Maghreb", edited by Hanane Benmoktar and Marc Deneire. Mélanges Crapel: Revue en didactique des langues et sociolinguistique. 40.2. Pp. 122-129.


S  MA student, SANDER NEDERVEEN presented at the 2020 Canadian Linguistics Association virtual Annual Conference. The title of his talk was "Discourse novelty, Givenness, and EV2 in German."

S  Professor MAITE TABOADA presented a talk as part of on June 11. In her presentation, "Rhetorical Relations in Discourse and Cognition," Taboada focused on two topics. First, she discussed the space that rhetorical relations occupy in language, and the issue of consensus on a common taxonomy of relations. Second, she reviewed the issue of signal for coherence relations and described the lab's corpus annotation of a broad set of signals.

Upcoming Events

Online, 4:00pm
Associate Professor Panayiotis Pappas will be part of the Abralin ao Vivo: Linguists Online panel Sustainable Academia: The Way Forward. The panelists will be discussing how we can make academia a more climate-aware, ecologically and socially ethical place.