
Peter Jacobs

Associate Professor

  • Email: pwjacobs@sfu.ca
  • Office: RCB 9222
  • Interests: Syntax; Semantics; Squamish language; Indigenous language revitalization; Kwakā€™wala


  • PhD, Linguistics, University of British Columbia


TinaĢ7 tkwa WiwikĢ±ā€™em ta Peter (Peter comes from a Squamish Nation village, WiwikĢ±ā€™em, near Brackendale, B.C.). Galułi laxĢ± TsaxĢ±is (he is also from the Kwaguł village of TsaxĢ±is, Fort Rupert, B.C.). His MA thesis was on subordinate clauses in the SkĢ±wxĢ±wu7mesh snichim (the Squamish language). His Ph.D. dissertation was on the syntax and semantics of agent control constructions in SkĢ±wxĢ±wu7mesh.

Peter worked for over 25 years at the Squamish Nation in language revitalization of the SkĢ±wxĢ±wu7mesh snichim, the language of his fatherā€™s side of his family. He also conducts research on Kwakā€™wala, the language of his motherā€™s side of his family. He taught at the University of Victoria.

At the Squamish Nation, he was co-applicant for SSHRC Aboriginal Research grant. He was also the editor-in-chief for the SkĢ±wxĢ±wu7mesh Snichim-Xweliten Snichim SkĢ±exwts (Squamish-English Dictionary). At the University of Victoria, he was co-investigator on a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant with Dr. Onowa McIvor. They investigated adult language learners in the Mentor-Apprentice Program (MAP) and other MAP-like programs in B.C. He is currently a co-principal investigator with Dr. McIvor on a 6-year SSHRC Partnership Grant. With their partners from 9 First Nations communities across Canada, they are investigating the role of adult learners of their Indigenous languages.

Research Publications

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