Chung-hye Han
Undergraduate Curriculum Chair
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- Office: RCB 9215
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- Interests: Syntax, Semantics and their Interface, Experimental Syntax and Linguistic Applications of Tree Adjoining Grammars
- PhD, Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Han wrote her Ph.D. dissertation on a cross-linguistic investigation into the structure and interpretation of imperatives (2000, Garland Publishing, New York). Her main areas of research are syntax, semantics and their interface, syntax and semantics of Korean, and linguistic applications of Tree Adjoining Grammars. Her current projects include quantifier scope and negation in head-final languages and its implications for clause structure, binding properties of long-distance anaphors, syntax and semantics of relative clauses, and using Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammars to model compositional semantics.
Research Publications
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