
Rachelle Yu, MA

Email: rayu@sfu.ca


Rachelle is a doctoral student in the Child Track of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Clinical Psychology program studying under the supervision of Dr. Robert McMahon at the Institute for the Reduction of Youth Violence. In 2014, she completed her B.A. with a double major in Psychology and English at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. She then coordinated the province-wide evaluation of The Connect©&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Parent Group, an attachment-based parenting intervention, under the direction of Dr. Marlene Moretti. For her M.A. thesis, Rachelle examined the mediating role of emotion regulation on the relationship between maternal warmth/harsh discipline and oppositional defiant disorder in the early school years. Her dissertation thesis currently focuses on identifying developmental trajectories of ADHD from childhood to adulthood in relation to behaviours of despair (i.e., suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, excessive alcohol consumption, and non-medical use of opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and stimulants) in adulthood. Findings will examine differences by sex and ADHD presentation. Rachelle has completed practicum placements in the Mood & Anxiety Disorders Clinic, OCD Clinic, and Medical Psychology Intake Clinic at B.C. Children's Hospital. She is now completing her senior practicum at Dr. Sharon Arnold's & Associates, conducting comprehensive psychoeducational assessments for children and adolescents with learning and behavioural difficulties.

Representative Presentions

Yu, R. A., Goulter, N., & McMahon, R. J. (2019, October). Longitudinal associations between parental warmth, harsh discipline, child emotion regulation, and ODD in the early school years. Poster session presented at the Brain, Behaviour, and Development Research Day at BC Children's Hospital, Vancouver, BC.

Yu, R. A., Craig, S. G., & Moretti, M. M. (2017, April). Adolescent anxiety and aggression toward the parent: The mediating role of affect dysregulation. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.

Weiss, M. D., Craig, S. G., Yu, R. A., & Hudec, K. L. (2016, January). Validation of the Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale – Parent Report (WFIRS-P) in a clinical observational sample of ADHD children and youth. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders, Washington, DC.

Weiss, M. D., Craig, S. G., Yu, R. A., & Hudec, K. L. (2016, January). Validation of the Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale – Self (WFIRS-S) in a clinical population of ADHD youth age 14 to 18. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders, Washington, DC.

Yu, R. A., Craig, S. G., & Moretti, M. M. (2015, August). The role of affect regulation in the relationship between attachment and oppositional defiant symptoms. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Attachment Conference, New York, NY.

Yu, R. A., Craig, S. G., Sierra Hernandez, C. & Moretti, M. M. (2015, April). Attachment anxiety, affect dysregulation and ODD/depressive symptoms in adolescents. Poster presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Long Beach, CA.