
Video Archive

Watch video footage from IPS-sponsored events here or on our .

PuSh Festival: Critical Ideas Panels (2019)

PuSh Festival 2019 – Critical Ideas Panel #1: Space + Sound

PuSh Festival 2019 – Critical Ideas Panel #2: Arts + Access


PuSh Festival 2019 – Critical Ideas Panel #3: Ethics + Consent

PuSh Festival: Critical Ideas Panels (2018)

PuSh Festival 2018 – Critical Ideas Panel #1: Theatre and Institutional Spaces

Push Festival 2018 – Critical Ideas Panel #2: Object Oriented Performance Practices

PuSh Festival 2018 – Critical Ideas Panel #3: Contemporary Indigenous Women's Performance

PuSh Festival: Critical Ideas Panels (2017)

PuSh Festival 2017 – Critical Ideas Panel #1: Adaptation in Performance

PuSh Festival 2017 – Critical Ideas Panel #2: Curation in Performance and Visual Art

Q2Q Symposium: July 20, 2016: Opening Night Cabaret

Q2Q Symposium: July 21, 2016: Roundtable 3: Acts of Faith

Q2Q Symposium: July 22, 2016: Roundtable 6: The Queer Playwright

Q2Q Symposium: July 23, 2016: Roundtable 9: Dragging the Past into the Future

Q2Q Symposium: July 21, 2016: Roundtable 1: Queer Histories

Q2Q Symposium: July 22, 2016: Roundtable 4: The Queer Real

Q2Q Symposium: July 23, 2016: Roundtable 7: Queer Spaces

Q2Q Symposium, July 24, 2016: Panel 10: Queer Theatre and Performance to Come

Q2Q Symposium: July 21, 2016: Roundtable 2: Queer Forms

Q2Q Symposium: July 22, 2016: Roundtable 5: Across Generations

Q2Q Symposium: July 23, 2106: Roundtable 8: Queer Theatre and Performance Now

PuSh Festival: Critical Ideas Panels (2016)

PuSh Festival – Critical Ideas #1: Voice In Performance

PuSh Festival – Critical Ideas #2: Vancouver Dance Aesthetics in an (Inter)National Frame

PuSh Festival – Critical Ideas #3: Critical (Un)Impressions—Theatre and Performance in Canada Today

ACME 2014 Day 1

ACME 2014 Day 2.3 Producers and Presenters

ACME 2014 3.3 Art and Activism

ACME 2014 4.3 Round Table with Art Amble Curators

ACME 2014 Day 3.1 Legacies Part 1

ACME 2014 Day 3.1 Legacies Part 1

ACME 2014 Day 4.1 The Build-up and the After Party: Comparing Mega Event Cities

ACME 2014 Day 2.2: The Event Horizon of Mega Events – Beyond "Once in a Lifetime"

ACME 2014 3.2 Art and Activism

ACME 2014 4.2 The Build-up and the After Party: Comparing Mega-event Cities


Rebecca Schneider: Performance and Documentation, Acting in Ruins and the Question of Duration
