
Faculty News

Summer semester 2019 news

June 30, 2019
  • August 19-23, 2019: Jeff Checkel is teaching an intensive doctoral seminar on ',' at the , Peace Research Institute Oslo.
  • August 8, 2019: The Social Science Research Council’s blog  is running a forum on Tamir Moustafa’s new book, Check out reviews of the book by nine scholars with disciplinary backgrounds ranging from law to politics, anthropology, and religion. You can find the essays as well as Moustafa’s response .
  • June 17, 2019: While on sabbatical in Berlin, Jeff Checkel has been appointed a Senior Fellow at the . The School is the graduate training unit of the Excellence Cluster ',' which is an inter-disciplinary collaboration exploring challenges to the liberal order. Checkel will be carrying out research on the identity politics and populist backlash currently challenging (and undermining) a number of international institutions.
  • June 12, 2019: A very warm congratulations to Genver Quirino, recipient of the 2019 Best Undergraduate Essay in International Studies Award!
  • June 11, 2019: We are pleased to announce that we have received the official letter from President Petter's office confirming tenure and promotion for Chris Gibson. Please join us in congratulating Chris on this exciting milestone!
  • June 6-7, 2019: Jeff Checkel is teaching an intensive doctoral seminar on '' at the , Free University Berlin.
  • June 4, 2019: Irene Pang has been elected to serve as a council member for the Political Economy of the World System (PEWS) section of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Congratulations, Irene!
  • May 16, 2019: After the conclusion of the 3rd PrepCom last week, Friends of the NPT will have an uphill struggle to produce a successful RevCon in 2020. Paul Meyer's commentary on what is at stake and a critique of a US initiative which threatens to be a major distraction from implementing existing commitments has just been published. Read it .
  • May 16, 2019: Chatham House International Affairs Blog has just named Leslie Armijo's co-authored book, The BRICS and Collective Financial Statecraft, among their . Great work, Leslie!
  • April 29 - May 3, 2019: Jeff Checkel was in Oslo to teach a PhD seminar on "" at the , Peace Research Institute Oslo.