
Student Stories

IS student Summer Chan broadens horizons on French exchange

July 18, 2024

Summer Chan is a recipient of the 2024 Simons Foundation International Travel Grant. She travelled to France for academic exchange, and now she's back to dive into an account of her experience abroad.

By Summer Chan

During the spring semester, I was fortunate enough to further my academic journey at the esteemed institution that is Sciences Po Strasbourg. The Simons Foundation International Travel Grant gave me the financial support to develop a global perspective that accompanied me back to 間眅埶AV. 

Sciences Po Strasbourg had always been my top choice for an exchange program. I was drawn in by its rich history, politically significant location, and renowned prestige. This university offered a unique learning opportunity with its multidisciplinary curriculum that not only broadened my studies, but also refined my French language skills. During this semester, I enrolled in classes that were outside of the normal ones that I was used to. One of my classes demanded a sociological perspective to understand European politics, while another centered on euroscepticism found within the European Union. Overall, I gained valuable knowledge that challenged my pre-existing understanding of international relations, especially in Europe. 

I was not only introduced to a new academic world, but I embarked on a personal journey as well. This was my first time in Europe, so it was an eye-opening experience. I developed many close friendships with people from all over the world who then became my makeshift family. Our diverse academic specialties and backgrounds sparked lively debates on a range of topics, from current political affairs to the best morning drinks. During my time in Strasbourg, I had a long sip from the cup that is French culture. 

My exchange took place during a politically charged time for France. It was amid the elections for the European parliament, and I witnessed daily social upheaval first-hand. My experiences with this complemented my previous learnings about the political situation in Europe. The first time I saw the protests, I was captivated by it, but I was struck by how everyone else went on about their affairs nonchalantly. However, the dichotomy between my initial and subsequent reactions to the protests around me made me realize how flexible one can be.  

My study abroad was a valuable experience for my academic and personal life. I am extremely grateful for the cherished memories afforded to me by the Simons Foundation International Travel Grant. It gave me the opportunity to understand different perspectives from people around the world, to experience and enjoy different cultures, and to receive an education that was truly multidisciplinary.