

Statement of Solidarity with Land Defenders in Lhudis Bin Territory

May 24, 2022

The Department of Indigenous Studies condemns state and corporate acts against the Gidimten people and allied Land Defenders in Lhudis Bin territory. The Community Industry Response Group (CIRG), CSIS, and security firms authorized by Coastal GasLink/LNG Canada continue to repeatedly target, abuse, and criminalize Indigenous individuals living with their families, in their hereditary and traditional lands.

Compelling documented evidence and witness statements*** prove that recent violence and intimidation against Indigenous communities, including Elders, women, children, and men, have intensified in Gidimten territory. Those directly responsible for the repeated violence, now ongoing for months, include publicly elected officials and appointed leaders, corporate actors, and their militarized security and police forces. We condemn all acts and actors, at all levels of society, who repeatedly harass, terrorize, threaten, assault, invade and/or imprison Indigenous peoples who are living peacefully in their sovereign homelands.

We call on the Premier and the BC government to immediately cease construction of the CGL pipeline, and to condemn acts of violence against Gidimten people.

Reconciliation is an empty phrase as long as acts of violence against Indigenous peoples continue.


Dr. Deanna Reder

Chair, Department of Indigenous Studies

On behalf of faculty in the Department of Indigenous Studies
