
Congratulations, Fall 2021 Graduates!

October 05, 2021

Message from Dr. Deanna Reder, INDG Chair:

Dear October 2021 間眅埶AV Graduates in Indigenous Studies,

Congratulations!  No previous generation in the past century has had to deal with completing a degree during a pandemic.  Yet your determination to complete your studies during such a difficult time, along with your ability to be nimble enough to manage during constantly changing circumstances, are expressions of hope and optimism.  I hope you can look back with pride in what you have done. I am confident that the resilience that you demonstrated, and the hope you expressed, will remind you of your strength and your talents. 

In the past half decade, as you have completed your degree, you have seen many changes in the Department of Indigenous Studies.  In 2017 we had five faculty, Dr. Marianne Ignace, Dr. Eldon Yellowhorn, Dr. annie ross, Dr. Rudy Reimer, and me, Dr. Deanna Reder.  However, since then our faculty numbers have more than doubled. In 2018 both Dr. June Scudeler and Dr. Natahnee Winder were hired; in 2019 Dr. Jeannie Morgan and Dr. Kicya7 Joyce Schneider joined us; and finally in 2020 so did Dr. Sarah Henzi and Dr. Chelsey Armstrong.  In fact, we are conducting another national search for a new Chair of the Department since my five-year term is up as of next September. We hope that we can grow to the point that we can offer a graduate program that might interest some of you enough to return.

Regardless, in the next ten years there will likely be retirements and new hires, and periodically we will reach out to you to attend certain events if you can. Please dont hesitate to keep in touch with us, to share successes or to ask for advice, or simply to update your address or to stop by for a visit.  We would love to keep in touch. 

Again, Congratulations!  I would like to follow local traditions to demonstrate our respect for you: I lift my hands to you! 

All the best,

Dr. Deanna Reder, INDG Chair
dhr@sfu.ca 778-782-8192