Screening Platform
The main screening platform in the Centre for High Throughput Chemical Biology comprises a Spinnaker arm on a 2.5 m linear track, surrounded by a full array of instruments required for HTS applications. These include:
High-Content Microscope
2x Molecular Devices ImageXpress - widefield sCMOS camera with full resolution imaging rate at 100 FPS, solid state LED lightsource​, and exchangeable filter cubes with 5 excitation wavelengths: DAPI (377+/- 50), FITC (482+/-35), TRITC (543+/-22), Texas Red (562+/-40), Cy5 (628+/-40)​
Microplate Reader
Biotek Neo2​
Automated Incubator
2x Thermo Cytomat 42C
Liquid Handler
Tecan Evo100 and Evo 150 with V&P Scientific pin tools​
Plate Carousel
Thermo Multiwell Plate Hotel (200 plate capacity)​
Plate Centrifuge
Agilent Vspin​
Plate Loader/ Washer
BioTek 406 with multiple syringe capacity​
Plate Loader
2x Thermo Combidrop: precise dispensing over a 0.5 to 2500μL range, accommodates microplates from 6 to 1536 wells and plate heights of 5 to 50mm
​Plate Sealer
Agilent Plateloc
​Plate Desealer
Brooks XPeel Automated Plate Seal Removal
Tissue Culture Facility
The Centre is supported by a dedicated tissue culture facility that includes two biosafety cabinets, incubators, centrifuge, microscopes, and other minor equipment. The tissue culture facility is open to all researchers performing screening experiments in the HTCB.
Compound Library
The Center for High Throughput Chemical Biology houses both commercial compound libraries an microbial natural products libraries. The commercial collection includes >100,000 compounds, while the natural products collection includes 7,000 extracts containing an estimated 25,000 natural product structures.
Compound Management
In addition to the main screening platform, the Centre for High Throughput Chemical Biology houses liquid handling robotics for compound management and library replication. These instruments can be used for cherry picking of hit compounds, formatting and preparation of compound dilution series and early pilot screening. The compound management platform comprises:
Liquid Handler
Tecan Evo150 with MCA96 and 8-channel LiHa pipetting arms, and RoMa transport arm
​Plate Carousel
​Tecan 200 position plate carousel
Barcode Printer
​Agilent CAB printer and apply station
​Plate Transporter for Barcode System
​Agilent 2R BenchCel
Other Instruments
Vala KIC (Kinetic Imaging Cytometer) microscope capable of Structure Illumination Microscopy (SIM) and electrical stimulation of cells.
Formulatrix MANTIS flexible dispenser