
FASS News, Research

FASS researchers awarded 2020 Social Sciences and Humanities Council Insight Grants

June 10, 2021

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is pleased to congratulate Gender, Sexuality and Womens Studies Dr. Jen Marchbank and Sociology & Anthropologys Dr. Travers on receiving Knowledge Synthesis Grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 

SSHRC and Infrastructure Canada (INFC) have launched . According to SSHRC, the funds support researchers whose projects identify critical gaps in existing knowledge to guide future research related to urban and rural mobility issues in Canada. 

Travers has earned a grant for their project, Transportation Planning, Policy and Electric Micro-mobilities," which will investigate the possible integration of e-bikes, e-scooters, e-unicycles, e-skateboards and other personal electric vehicles into existing public transit system policies. 

Marchbanks project,  "Getting There: Youth and Public Transit, will work with scholars whose work focuses on youth and equity, diversity, and inclusion, and an academic librarian to find gaps in policy that impact how youth access transit. Included in the topics they will address is the provision of free transit to youth as one way to make transit systems more equitable and to increase ridership.