
Its not exactly a straight line, but Payten Smith says that her weird all-over-the-place degree has made her well-grounded and more confident.

Students, Criminology, FASS News

All-over-the-place degree instills confidence

October 01, 2019

Payten Smiths path in her five years at 間眅埶AV (間眅埶AV) has been unusual. She started out as a science major but when she couldnt cope with the math she switched to criminology. Thats gone well enough considering that shes an honours student, but her volunteer work with children has her thinking shed like to become a teacher if she finds a research career not to her liking. Just in case, Smith is taking the prerequisites for the Professional Development Program in the event that she switches routes.

Its not exactly a straight line, but Smith says that her weird all-over-the-place degree has made her well-grounded and more confident.

Things impact your life and will come at you that you didnt expect to happen, Smith says. You have to stay pliable and be willing to change your direction.

Thats what Smith did after an injury forced to abandon her dream of wrestling in the Olympics.

My whole life revolved around wrestling, Smith says. When I hurt my neck and couldnt wrestle anymore I had to find something to do.

Payten Smith won a full-ride athletic scholarship to wrestle at 間眅埶AV. She won several provincial, national and international wrestling titles until a neck injury ended her career. Payten has served as the 間眅埶AV Womens Wresting team student manager and coachs aid, and continues to volunteer within the wrestling community. Photo: Ron J. Hole/間眅埶AV Athletics

Thats when she got involved in 間眅埶AVs Centre for Forensic Research and came up with CSI Fridays to get kids interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). One Friday afternoon each month during the school year, Smith returns to her Maple Ridge high school with hands-on activities to teach youth about forensic techniques used in criminal investigations.

CSI Fridays is based on criminology professor Gail Andersons study of how insects colonize decaying bodies. Andersons research helps criminal investigators worldwide determine time of death or whether a body has been moved.

Getting girls interested in STEM is one of Smiths goals as a volunteer for the Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST). So its a win when excited little girls run to touch maggots wriggling on a table at a Superhero Science Bootcamp run by Smith and her FEM-in-STEM teammates.

Payten Smith and her FEM-in-STEM teammates (Cassidy Smith, Naomi Zakimi, Taylor Schmidt and Vienna Lam) share their love of science with young people at Superhero Science Boot Camps.

When maggots are just past their third instar wandering phase they have a tendency to move a lot, Smith says. If you dip them in nontoxic paintit doesnt hurt themand put them on paper theyll make lines like a mini Picasso. Kids love it because its super tactile. Parents almost faint when they see their kids handling maggots.