
All FASS faculty, graduate students and staff are invited to the Autumn Reception, where Dean Jane Pulkingham presents this year’s Cormack Teaching Awards, Dean’s Medals for Academic Excellence and FASS Employee Achievement Awards.

Events, Awards, FASS News

FASS Autumn Reception and Cormack Teaching Symposium October 17

September 20, 2019

All FASS faculty, graduate students and staff were invited to the Autumn Reception on October 17, 2019, where Dean Jane Pulkingham presented this year’s Dean’s Medals for Academic Excellence, Cormack Teaching Awards, and FASS Employee Achievement Awards.

Dean's Medal Award winners

  • Dr. , Criminology
  • Dr. , Philosophy
  • Dr. , Linguistics
  • Dr. , First Nations Language Program and First Nations Studies

Winners of the 2019 FASS Employee Achievement Awards

  • Lifetime contributions: Malcolm Toms, Manager, Network Operations
  • Individual work performance: Eliza So, Undergraduate Program Assistant, Political Science
  • Teaching assistant or tutor marker: Anthony Nguyen, Philosophy
  • Sessional instructor: Nicole Muir, Psychology
  • Limited term instructor: Mark Deggan, World Literature