
Warren Burton

Professor Emeritus

Areas of interest

Research interests include both functional programming and parallel computing, with the primary emphasis being placed on the intersection of these two areas. The overall objective of this work is to contribute to the development of high-level, machine independent languages for parallel programming.

Current activities include:
(1) Exploration of methods for permitting nondeterministic behavior in parallel functional programs while retaining deterministic semantics.
(2) Consideration of ways to allow complicated multilinked data structures to be updated in place.
(3) Study of various scheduling problems that arise with the parallel implementation of functional languages.
(4) Development of annotations to control the run-time behavior of parallel functional programs.
(5) Various other issues related to the design, implementation and use of functional languages.
(6) Various other issues related to the design, implementation and use of languages for parallel computing


  • Ph.D. Computing Studies, University of East Anglia, 1977
  • M.A. Mathematics, University of Colorado, 1972
  • B.Sc. Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, 1972


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