

Undergraduate students in English are eligible for a number of different scholarships, awards, and bursaries. This funding is thanks to many generous donors over the years who have created endowments to support the English department and its excellent students.

These are scholarships, awards, and bursaries for which students must apply. Some applications are made online via the . Other applications are made via email to the Undergraduate Program Assistant, Department of English. Note the different deadlines and application procedures below.

A.E. Housman & Moses Jackson Unrequited Love Award

Program ID: UPAO286
Procedure: Student Application via the Undergraduate Program Assistant, Department of English (englgen@sfu.ca)
Value: $1200

Terms of Reference

This award is intended to provide funding to assist undergraduate students with the costs of travel and living expenses while taking part in the London & Lake District Field School, which is offered once every four years through ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's Department of English. One or more awards, valued at a minimum of $1,150, will be granted annually to undergraduate students who are enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences in the term of eligibility; are in good academic standing; and have completed, are accepted to, or are currently undertaking a term in the London & Lake District Field School through the Department of English and International Services for Students. Applications should be submitted to the office of the Chair, Department of English, and must include a resume, a statement (no more than one page) describing the relevance of the field school to the student's academic program and goal, and two letters of reference from ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV faculty. Consideration will be given to the applicant's GPA, the importance of the field school to the student's program of study, and the letters of reference. The award will be granted by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee upon the recommendation of the Chair, Department of English

Alan Boden Memorial Bursary

Program ID: UPBO775
Awarded: Fall, Spring, Summer
Procedure: Student Application via 
Value: $1000
Deadline: See 

Terms of Reference

Will be granted annually in a term to a student who meets the following criteria: is enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; has a declared major in English; is in good academic standing; and has demonstrated financial need. The bursary will be administered by the office of Financial Aid and Awards and granted by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee.

Ann and William Messenger Undergraduate Scholarships in English

Program ID: UESO330
Awarded: Spring
Procedure: Student Application via 
Value: $2200

Terms of Reference

Awarded annually on the basis of academic achievement to approved English majors who have completed at least 90 units. The award will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee.

Betty Lambert Memorial Prize

Program ID: UEAO014
Awarded: Spring
Procedure: Student Application via the Undergraduate Program Assistant, Department of English (englgen@sfu.ca)
Value: $650

Terms of Reference

The endowment fund is established in memory of Betty Lambert. It is awarded annually to an undergraduate student enrolled in at least nine units. The prize will be based on the best unpublished play submitted. Students submit applications by email to englgen@sfu.ca: the email subject line should include the name of the prize, and the application must include a copy of the unpublished play, an unofficial transcript, and a cover letter stating in less than 100 words why the student is applying for the prize. The award will be granted by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee on the nomination of the Chair of the Department of English.

English Faculty Honours Bursary

Program ID: UEBO730
Awarded: Fall, Spring, Summer
Procedure: Student Application via 
Value: N/A
Deadline: See 

Terms of Reference

Granted on the basis of demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic performance, to an undergraduate student in the Honours English program. If there is no suitable candidate from the Honours English program in a given year, the bursary may be awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in English.

Jane Austen Society Prize

Program ID: UPAO132
Awarded: Spring
Procedure: Student Application via the Undergraduate Program Assistant, Department of English (englgen@sfu.ca)
Value: $250

Terms of Reference

To a student for the best essay by an upper-level undergraduate student on the subject of Jane Austen, her life, works, or closely related social history. Students submit applications by email to englgen@sfu.ca: the email subject line should include the name of the prize, and the application must include a copy of the essay, an unofficial transcript, and a cover letter stating in less than 100 words why the student is applying for the prize. The award will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee on the recommendation of the Department of English

Kenneth Conibear Bursary in English

Program ID: UEBO724
Awarded: Fall, Spring, Summer
Procedure: Student Application via 
Value: N/A
Deadline: See 

Terms of Reference

Granted to undergraduate students majoring in English. The bursary is granted in any term based on demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic performance.

Laurence Mervyn Cox Bursary in English

Program ID: UEBO541
Awarded: Fall, Spring, Summer
Procedure: Student Application via 
Value: N/A
Deadline: See 

Terms of Reference

Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic performance to undergraduate students majoring in English. Preference will be given to students accepted to the Honours program in the Department of English and to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.

Lydia McCombie Memorial Bursary

Program ID: UEBO693
Awarded: Fall, Spring, Summer
Procedure: Student Application via 
Value: N/A
Deadline: See 

Terms of Reference

To an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences majoring in English. Bursaries will be granted on the basis of demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic performance.

Dr. M. Sheila O'Connell Undergraduate Prize in Children's Literature

Program ID: UEAO534
Awarded: Spring
Procedure: Student Application via the Undergraduate Program Assistant, Department of English (englgen@sfu.ca)
Value: $3000

Terms of Reference

Awarded to an undergraduate student who has completed the best essay or creative writing project in a course taught on children's literature at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Students must have a GPA of at least 2 and be enrolled in at least 9 units during the term of submission. Students submit applications by email to englgen@sfu.ca: the email subject line should include the name of the prize, and the application must include a copy of the essay / creative writing project, an unofficial transcript, and a cover letter stating in 100 words or fewer why the student is applying for the prize. The awards will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee on the nomination of the Chair, Department of English.

Shenul Dhalla Undergraduate Award in English

Program ID: UEAO570
Awarded: Fall
Procedure: Student Application via the Undergraduate Program Assistant, Department of English (englgen@sfu.ca)
Value: $1700

Terms of Reference

The Shenul Dhalla Endowment Fund was established in 2014 with a generous gift from Mrs. Shenul Dhalla and Mr. Azim Dhalla. The endowment fund supports the Shenul Dhalla Undergraduate Award in English. The award is intended to recognize an outstanding student in the Department of English at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Valued at a minimum of $1100, the award will be granted every year in the fall term to a student who fulfills the following criteria: an undergraduate student enrolled full-time, with a formal declaration in the honours, major, or joint major programs in English in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the time the award is adjudicated; successful completion of at least 60 academic credits; and is in good academic standing. Eligible students may apply to the Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Department of English. All applications must be accompanied by the following: a current, unofficial ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV transcript; and a personal statement which describes the relevance of the applicant’s English studies to their future goals. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will review applications for the award based on the personal statement, past and present academic achievement, and future promise. The award will be granted by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee upon the nomination of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.