
Food and Drinks Consumption in Labs

Food and drinks are not allowed in labs.

An enforcement system is implemented to govern unprofessional behavior and violations of lab regulations in ENSC learning spaces.

Non-compliant behavior, such as eating or drinking in lab spaces where equipment is present, vandalizing ENSC property, and bullying/harassment is taken seriously. Students should report observations of such behavior by speaking with lab engineers, their instructors, emailing fas_safety@sfu.ca, or speaking to an ESSS representative to report on their behalf.

All students are asked to uphold professional conduct and adhere to this policy to protect the safety of the users and equipment in labs. Violating this policy can cause:

  • Cross-contamination between lead residues and food/drink. It is almost guaranteed that there is lead present on the equipment and surfaces in labs where electronic components are used. 
  • Equipment damage due to spillage.
  • Hygienic issues such as garbage (drink cups, wrappers, etc.) and food being left in lab spaces, attracting mice/ants which the Applied Science Building (ASB) has struggled with in the past.

Rooms where food and drink consumption are not permitted:

  • The Pit (ASB 8800)
  • Machine shop and workshops (ASB 8806, 8808, and 8824)
  • ASB Cleanroom (8823, 8825, 8829)
  • Lab 1 workstations, soldering area, and SPA lab (9800A)
  • Lab 1A (9884)
  • ASB 9801
  • Computer labs 9815, 9817, 10877 and 10879
  • ASB 9819
  • ASB 10820
  • ASB 10824
  • ASB 10874
  • ASB 10878 

Food and drinks are allowed in the areas that are outside of labs, such as:

  • Applied Science Building (ASB) public hallway 
  • ESSS student lounge located at ASB 8842
  • Sunny room located at ASB 9886
  • The hallway outside of computer labs 9815/9817
  • Entrance area outside of 10877/10879

Please be mindful of others and clean up after yourself.  

If students wish to bring chemicals/liquids for projects (not for consumption) into lab spaces, they must be approved by the lab engineering team first. You can reach out to the team at ensc-res@sfu.ca.