


The Articles of Governance set out the principles and procedures to be used in the School of Engineering Science. The document is supplementary to the policies and procedures established for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and the Faculty of Applied Sciences. In the case of conflict between the principles set out here and those established at higher levels, the latter take precedence.

ENSC Committee Structures & Administrative Roles

Administrative Roles

Director Cheng Li
Acting Associate Director   Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
IEEE Student Branch Counsellor  Craig Scratchley
IEEE Vancouver Section Representative   Ivan Bajić
ASME Branch Student Advisor  Shahram Payandeh
Academic Integrity Advisor Daniel Lee
J.L. Wighton Professor for Engineering Development Andrew Rawicz
J.L. Wighton Professor of Laboratory Studies   Ash Parameswaran


Committee Structures

Click to expand the committee structures. 

Faculty Meeting

Discusses issues and approves a variety of recommendations related to the activities of the School. (ensc-faculty@sfu.ca)

Chair (Director) Cheng Li
Members All faculty members
Attendee Sarah Payne (Manager, Academic & Administrative Services – nv)
Attendee Tracy Singh (Confidential Assistant to the Director - nv)

ENSC Executive Committee

Discusses issues and sets policies related to the functioning of the School. (ensc-exec@sfu.ca)

Chair (Director) Cheng Li
Member (Acting Associate Director) Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
Member (UCC Chair) Ash Parameswaran
Member (GPC Chair) Faisal Beg
Member Parvaneh Saeedi
Member Michael Sjoerdsma
Attendee Sarah Payne (Manager, Academic & Administrative Services – nv)
Attendee Tracy Singh (Confidential Assistant to the Director - nv)

Tenure and Promotion Committee

Conducts reviews regarding salary, renewal, tenure and promotion. (ensc-tpc-2023@sfu.ca)

Chair  Cheng Li 
Member (Professor) Rodney Vaughan
Member (Professor) Jie Liang 
Member (Professor) Faisal Beg 
Member (Assistant Professor) Shawn Sederberg 
Member (Teaching Faculty) Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
Alternate Professor Ash Parameswaran 
Member (External) Alaa Alameldeen 
Attendee Tracy Singh (Confidential Assistant to the Director - nv)
Attendee Jen Leone (FAS Senior Advisor, Academic Affairs - nv)

ENSC Tenure, Promotion, and Salary Review Criteria: 

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC)

Develops and monitors the undergraduate curriculum and other related academic issues.  Handles student requests and appeals. (ensc-ucc@sfu.ca)

Chair Ash Parameswaran (Electronics)
Member Cheng Li (Ex-Officio as Director)
Member Michael Sjoerdsma (T-Comm)
Member Zhenman Fang (Computer Engineering)
Member Lucky One (Eng-Physics/Comp-Eng/Electronics)
Member Shahram Payendeh (Systems)
Member Daniel Lee (Electronics Communication)
Member Shawn Sederberg (Engineering Physics)
Member Wallace Lee (ESSS VP Academic)
Attendee Sarah Payne (Manager, Academic & Administrative Services – nv)
Attendee Debbie Newberry (Undergraduate Program Assistant – nv)
Attendee Drew Jenkins (FAS Co-op – nv)
Attendee Manager, Recruitment and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVs (FAS UCC Team – nv)

Graduate Program Committee (GPC)

Develops and monitors the graduate curriculum and other related academic issues, handles student requests and appeals, reviews scholarship applications, and allocates teaching assistantships. (ensc-gpc@sfu.ca)

Chair Faisal Beg
Associate Chair Pierre Lane
Member Ivan Bajić
Member Shahram Payandeh
Member Michael Adachi
Member (Grad Student Rep) TBA
Attendee Kelly Blackburn (Graduate Program Assistant - nv)

Option Heads Committee

This committee gives input to the Director on broad issues of importance concerning academic and administrative matters in the School (ensc-optionheads@sfu.ca)

Chair (Director) Cheng Li
Member (Engineering Physics) Glenn Chapman
Member (Electronics) Ash Parameswaran
Member (Systems) Shahram Payandeh
Member (Computer Engineering) Lesley Shannon
Member (Communications) Rodney Vaughan
Member (Biomed) Andrew Rawicz

Biomedical (BME) Option Committee

This committee looks into BME’s Curriculum revision, promotes the BME option, advises students on BME-related matters, and brings BME-related issues to the relevant committee (ensc-biomedical@sfu.ca)

Chair Andrew Rawicz
Member Faisal Beg
Member Ryan D’Arcy
Member Bonnie Gray
Member Parvaneh Saeedi
Member (Undergrad Student Rep) TBA

Computer Engineering (CE) Option Committee

Promotes the CE Option, advises students on matters related to CE, brings concerns and issues related to CE program to UCC or other relevant committees (ensc-comp@sfu.ca)

Chair  Lesley Shannon
Chair Zhenman Fang
Member Lucky One
Member Craig Scratchley
Member (Undergrad Student Rep) TBA

Electronics Engineering (EE) Option Committee

Promotes the EE Option through the following two sub-committees, advises students on matters related to CE, brings concerns and issues related to EE program to UCC or other relevant committees (ensc-electron@sfu.ca)

Chair: Ash Parameswaran

Microelectronics sub-committee  (ensc-microelec@sfu.ca)

Chair Michael Adachi
Member Ash Parameswaran
Member Glenn Chapman
Member Bonnie Gray

Communications sub-committee (ensc-telecommun@sfu.ca)

Chair  Rodney Vaughan
Member Ljiljana Trajkovic
Member Ivan Bajić
Member Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
Member Daniel Lee
Member Jie Liang
Member Bernhard Rabus

Engineering Physics (EP) Option Committee

Promotes the EP option, advises students on matters related to EP, brings concerns and issues related to EP program to UCC or other relevant committees (ensc-phys@sfu.ca)

Chair Glenn Chapman
Member Lucky One
Member Marinko Sarunic
Member Bonnie Gray
Member (Undergrad Rep) TBA
Member (Physics Rep) TBA

Systems Engineering (SE) Option Committee

Promotes the SE Option, advises students on matters related to SE, brings concerns and issues related to SE program to UCC or other relevant committees (ensc-sys@sfu.ca)

Chair Shahram Payandeh
Member Shervin Jannesar
Member Kamal Gupta
Member Parvaneh Saeedi
Member (Undergrad Rep) TBA

Technical Communications Program Committee

Oversees the communications program and makes recommendations to the UCC (ensc-comm@sfu.ca)

Chair Michael Sjoerdsma
Member Michael Hegedus
Member (Undergrad Student Rep) TBA

Lecturers' Committee

All continuing lecturers.

Chair Majid Shokoufi
Member Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
Member Michael Hegedus
Member Shervin Jannesar
Member Lucky One
Member Craig Scratchley
Member Michael Sjoerdsma

ENSC Equity & Diversity Committee 


Chair Parvaneh Saeedi
Member Tanya Behrisch

Teaching Labs Committee 

Manages labs and computer facility for servicing courses and the School (ensc-labctte@sfu.ca)

Chair Lucky One
Member Majid Shokoufi
Member (Staff Reps x2) TBA
Member (Grad Student Rep) TBA
Member (Undergrad Student Rep) TBA

Research Lab Space Committee 

Chair Bonnie Gray
Member Zhenman Fang
Member Michael Adachi
Member Parvaneh Saeedi

Accreditation and Continual Improvement Committee

Seeks to rethink engineering education in the School using the CEAB attributes, the School’s indicator data, and advances in engineering education. Responsible for envisioning improvements to the ENSC curriculum in both the short- and long-term by collecting and analyzing attribute data and reporting these findings and the committee’s recommendations directly to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC).

Chair Michael Sjoerdsma
Member (Co-op) TBA
Member (Advising) TBA
Member (Alumni & Industry Rep) Scott Logie
Member (member at large) TBA

Library Representative for Burnaby, School of Engineering Science

Liaises with Library; consults with colleagues, recommends book and serials acquisitions policy.

Ljiljana Trajkovic

Recruiting and High School Liaison with FAS Student Affairs


David Bensted Visiting Fellowship Adjudicating Committee 


Chair (ENSC Director) Cheng Li
Member (FAS Dean) Eugene Fiume
Member Rodney Vaughan
Member Glenn Chapman