
Pre-Approved Complementary Studies Electives (Pre-2006)

For students admitted before Fall 2006

The information on this page is only intended for students admitted to ENSC before Fall 2006.

If you were admitted between Fall 2006 and Summer 2013, please refer to these guidelines.

If you were admitted Fall 2013 or after, please refer to these guidelines.


Pre-Approved Complementary Studies Electives

Depending upon their chosen option, Engineering Science students are required to complete either 9 or 12 units of "Complementary Studies'' in addition to the ENSC 10x, ECON 103, ENSC 300 and ENSC 301 courses. These non-technical courses are intended to broaden the student's education and must include at least one course covering an aspect of the impact of technology on society and at least one course dealing with the central issues, methodologies and thought processes of the humanities and social sciences.

In order to ensure compliance with the Accreditation Rules, all Complementary Studies choices are subject to approval by the Chair of the School's Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC); however, in order to simplify this process and to clarify by example, the list below has been pre-approved. Note that these courses may require prerequisites, which can be fulfilled by another Complementary Studies elective. Also, in some cases, permission of the department in question must be obtained prior to registration.

The School encourages students to choose their electives so that they complement each other. Taking the appropriate prerequisites can open up many interesting courses.

Courses on the Impact of Technology on Society

All students must take one course in this category. Please see the UCC Chair if you intend to fulfill this requirement with a course not on the list below. Please note that effective 97-3, ENSC 100-3 fulfills this requirement.


  • ARCH 105-3 The Evolution of Technology


  • CHEM 003-3 Chemistry, Technology and Society
  • CHEM 004-3 Pollution, Energy and Resources


  • CMNS 130-3 Explorations in Mass Communications
  • CMNS 205-3 Introduction to Interpersonal Communications
  • CMNS 210-3 History of Communication
  • CMNS 220-3 Understanding Television
  • CMNS 223-3 Advertising as Social Communication
  • CMNS 253-3 Introduction to Information Technology: The New Media
  • CMNS 320-3 Children, Media and Culture
  • CMNS 353-3 Social Contexts of Information Technology
  • CMNS 453-3 Issues in the Information Society

Computing Science

  • CMPT 320-3 Social Implications of a Computerized Society

Canadian Studies

  • CNS 491-3 Technology and Canadian Society

Engineering Science

  • ENSC 100-3 Engineering Technology and Society


  • HIST 410-4 History of Science, Technology and Everyday Life 1870-1950


  • MATH 380-3 History of Mathematics


  • PHYS 346-3 Energy and the Environment

Sociology and Anthropology

  • SA 202-3 Post-Industrial Society

Courses on the Central Issues, Methodology and Thought Processes

All students must take one course in this category. Please see the UCC Chair if you intend to fulfill this requirement with a course not on the list below.

Note: these course have been deemed to cover ideas and techniques that are in the "mainstream'' of the humanities. Courses intended to teach specific skills (such as ENGL 214-3 and FPA 120-3), that don't contain sufficient "analysis'' (such as BISC 003-3), or are too focused on a specific application (such as KIN 140-3 and CRIM 151-3) are generally not acceptable in this category.


  • ARCH 100-3 Ancient Peoples and Places
  • ARCH 131-3 Human Origins
  • ARCH 223-3 The Pre-history of Canada
  • ARCH 272-3 Archaeology of the Old World
  • ARCH 273-3 Archaeology of the New World
  • ARCH 365-3 Ecological Archaeology

Business Administration and Economics

  • BUEC 280-3 Introduction to Labour Economics

Canadian Studies

  • CNS 160-3 The Social Background of Canada
  • CNS 210-3 Foundations of Canadian Culture
  • CNS 280-3 Canadian Political Economy
  • CNS 490-5 The Canadian Intellectual Tradition


  • CMNS 260-3 Introduction to Empirical Communication Research Methods

Contemporary Arts

  • FPA 211-3 Introduction to Contemporary Theory in the Arts
  • FPA 242-3 Western Music in the 17th Through 19th Centuries


  • CRIM 101-3 Introduction to Criminology
  • CRIM 103-3 Psychological Explanations of Criminal and Deviant Behavior
  • CRIM 104-3 Sociological Explanations of Criminal and Deviant Behavior
  • CRIM 120-3 Research Methods in Criminology


  • ECON 100-3 Introduction to Economics
  • ECON 101-3 The Canadian Economy
  • ECON 102-3 Twentieth Century Economics
  • ECON 105-3 Principles of Macroeconomics


  • EDUC 230-3 Introduction to the Philosophy of Education

Environmental Science

  • ENPL 200-3 Environmental Dynamics


  • ENGL 101-3 Introduction to Fiction
  • ENGL 102-3 Introduction to Poetry
  • ENGL 103-3 Introduction to Drama
  • ENGL 104-3 Introduction to the Essay as Literature

First Nations Studies

  • FNST 201-3 Canadian Aboriginal People's Perspectives on History


  • GEOG 100-3 Human Geography
  • GEOG 102-3 World Problems in Geographical Perspective
  • GEOG 162-3 Canada
  • GERO 300-3 Introduction to Gerontology

General Studies

  • GS 251-3 Studies in Chinese Culture


  • HIST 101-3 Canada to Confederation
  • HIST 102-3 Canada Since Confederation
  • HIST 104-3 History of the Americas to 1763
  • HIST 105-3 Western Civilization from the Ancient World to the Reformation Era
  • HIST 106-3 Western Civilization from the Reformation Era to the 20th Century
  • HIST 146-3 Africa in Recent History
  • HIST 151-3 The Modern Middle East
  • HIST 201-3 The History of Western Canada
  • HIST 225-3 20th Century Europe


  • HUM 102-3 Classical Mythology
  • HUM 201-3 Great Texts in the Humanities I
  • HUM 202-3 Great Texts in the Humanities II
  • HUM 230-3 Introduction to Religious Studies

Latin American Studies

  • LAS 140-3 Cultural Heritage of Latin America
  • LAS 200-3 Introduction to Latin American Issues
  • LAS 210-3 Latin American Literature in Transition


  • LING 220-3 Introduction to Linguistics


  • PHIL 100-3 Knowledge and Reality
  • PHIL 120-3 Introduction to Moral Philosophy
  • PHIL 150-3 History of Philosophy I
  • PHIL 151-3 History of Philosophy II
  • PHIL 203-3 Metaphysics
  • PHIL 210-4 Natural Deductive Logic
  • PHIL 220-3 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
  • PHIL 240-3 Philosophy of Religion
  • PHIL 241-3 Philosophy in Literature
  • PHIL 242-3 Philosophy of Art
  • PHIL 244-3 Introduction to Philosophy of Natural and Social Science
  • PHIL 280-3 Introduction to Continental Philosophy
  • PHIL 300-3 Introduction to Philosophy

Political Science

  • POL 100-3 Introduction to Politics and Government
  • POL 100W-3 Introduction to Politics and Government
  • POL 151-3 The Administration of Justice


  • PSYC 100-3 Introductory Psychology I
  • PSYC 102-3 Introduction to Psychology II
  • PSYC 106-3 Social Issues

Sociology and Anthropology

  • SA 100-4 Perspectives on Canadian Society
  • SA 101-4 Introduction to Anthropology
  • SA 150-3 Introduction to Sociology
  • SA 201-3 Anthropology of Contemporary Life

Women's Studies

  • WS 101-3 Introduction to Women's Issues in Canada
  • WS 102-3 Introduction to Western Feminisms
  • WS 204-3 Women, Science and Technology

Other Courses

The remaining Complementary Studies requirements can be fulfilled with a wide variety of courses, including all of those in Sections 2.0 and 3.0 as well as those listed below. Please see the UCC Chair if you intend to fulfill these requirements with a course not listed in any of the three final sections of this document.

Asia-Canada Program

  • ASC 101-3 Introduction to Asia-Canada Studies I
  • ASC 102-3 Introduction to Asia-Canada Studies II
  • ASC 200-3 Introduction to Chinese Culture and History
  • ASC 201-3 Introduction to Japanese Culture and History
  • ASC 202-3 Studies in Chinese Culture

Biological Sciences

  • BISC 003-3 Ecology and the Population Explosion

Business Administration and Economics

  • BUEC 384-3 Industrial Relations
  • BUS 251-3 Financial Accounting I
  • BUS 254-3 Managerial Accounting I
  • BUS 272-3 Behavior in Organizations
  • BUS 303-3 Business in Society
  • BUS 304-3 Introduction to Business Ethics
  • BUS 329-3 Income Tax for Business Decision Making
  • BUS 343-3 Introduction to Marketing

Canadian Studies

  • CNS 391-3 Special Canadian Topics


  • CHIN 100-3 Mandarin Chinese I
  • CHIN 101-3 Mandarin Chinese II
  • CHIN 201-3 Mandarin Chinese III
  • CHIN 202-3 Mandarin Chinese IV


  • CMNS 110-3 Introduction to Communication Studies
  • CMNS 221-3 Media and Audiences
  • CMNS 230-3 Introduction to Communication Media
  • CMNS 240-3 The Political Economy of Communication
  • CMNS 305-3 Interpersonal Communication in Technological Environment
  • CMNS 386-4 Communication and Social Issues in Design

Contemporary Arts

  • FPA 104-4 Music Fundamentals
  • FPA 111-3 Issues in the Fine and Performing Arts
  • FPA 120-3 Introduction to Contemporary Dance
  • FPA 127-3 History of Dance: Origins to the 20th Century
  • FPA 130-3 Fundamentals of Film
  • FPA 131-4 Filmmaking I
  • FPA 136-3 The History and Aesthetics of Cinema I
  • FPA 140-4 Music in the 20th Century
  • FPA 147-3 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music
  • FPA 150-3 Basics of Theatre
  • FPA 151-3 Introduction to Acting I
  • FPA 160-3 Introductory Studio in Visual Art
  • FPA 163-3 Issues in Spatial Presentation


  • CRIM 131-3 Intro. to the Crim. Justice System -- A Total System Approach
  • CRIM 135-3 Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions
  • CRIM 151-3 Introduction to Policing


  • EDUC 220-3 Introduction to Education Psychology


  • ENGL 199-3 University Writing
  • ENGL 210-3 Advanced University Writing
  • ENGL 212-3 Introduction to the History and Structure of English
  • ENGL 214-3 Reading, Writing and Rhetoric

First Nations Studies

  • FNST 101-3 The Cultures, Languages and Origins of Canada's First Peoples


  • FREN 121-3 Introductory French I (formerly FREN 100-3)
  • FREN 122-3 Introductory French II (formerly FREN 101-3)


  • GEOG 221-3 Economic Geography
  • GEOG 241-3 Social Geography


  • GERM 102-4 Introductory German I
  • GERM 103-4 Introductory German II
  • GERM 141-3 Introduction to German Civilization


  • HIST 360-4 The History of Science: 1100-1725
  • HIST 361-4 The History of Science: The 18th Century to the Present


  • HUM 161-3 Latin 1


  • ITAL 100-3 Introductory Italian I
  • ITAL 101-3 Introductory Italian II


  • JAPN 100-3 Introductory Japanese I
  • JAPN 101-3 Introductory Japanese II
  • JAPN 200-3 Advanced Beginner's Japanese I
  • JAPN 201-3 Advanced Beginner's Japanese II
  • JAPN 250-3 Conversation and Composition


  • KIN 140-3 Contemporary Health Issues
  • KIN 280-3 Introduction to Human Factors/Ergonomics


  • LING 110-3 The Wonder of Words
  • LING 130-3 Practical Phonetics

Performing Arts

  • FPA 147-3 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music

Sociology and Anthropology

  • SA 250-4 Introduction to Sociological Theory
  • SA 255-4 Introduction to Social Research
  • SA 358-4 The Philosophy of the Social Sciences
  • SA 371-4 The Environment and Society


  • SPAN 102-3 Introductory Spanish I
  • SPAN 103-3 Introductory Spanish II

Unacceptable Courses for Complementary Studies

The following list of courses will not be accepted as Complementary Studies electives; they have been judged to be either too technical or to overlap too much with other required courses.

Business Administration

  • BUS 207-3 Managerial Economics
  • BUS 237-3 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems in Business


  • CMNS 200-3 Effective Communication (unless taken prior to 95-2, in which case it counts in the "Other" category)


  • PHIL 001-3 Critical Thinking (unless taken prior to 95-2, in which case it counts in the "Other" category)
  • PHIL 110-3 Introduction to Logic and Reasoning
  • PHIL 214-3 Axiomatic Logic

Change Log

  • Nov. 12, 1996 - added FPA 242 to Section 3
  • Nov. 12, 1996 - added FPA 147 to Section 4
  • Nov. 14, 1996 - added LING 130 to Section 4
  • Mar. 12, 1997 - added ARCH 100 to Section 3
  • Mar. 12, 1997 - added FPA 150 and FPA 151 to Section 4
  • May 6, 1997 - added BUS 329, CNS 390 and CNS 391 to Section 4
  • May 6, 1997 - added CMS 200 to the unacceptable list
  • July 2, 1997 - added ENGL 210 to Section 4
  • July 7, 1997 - added CMPL 386-4 to Section 4
  • July 10, 1997 - added CHIN 201 and CHIN 202 to Section 4