
Refereed Conference Proceedings

Senyshyn, Y., & O’Neill, S. A. (2016, July). Enacting reciprocal coauthorship as a creative, collaborative and ethical practice in music teaching and learning. Proceedings of the 26th International Seminar in Music Education, London, UK.

O’Neill, S. A., & Senyshyn, Y. (2016, July). A study of recirocal coauthorship in music teaching and learning. Proceedings of the 32nd International Society for Music Education World Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (pp. 389-390).

O’Neill, S., Senyshyn Y. (2012). On Meaning Making and Measurement of Student Music Engagement by ISME Research Commission 2012, July 8–13 Thessaloniki, Greece, The International Society for the Study of Music Education: Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education.

Senyshyn, Y. (2005). Anxiety and Memory in Live Musical Performance published in the Proceedings of the APSCOM 2 (The Second International Conference of Asia Pacific Society for The Cognitive Science of Music) held in Seoul, Korea from August 4–6, 2005, pages 190–194, ISBN 89-5708-090-2.

Senyshyn, Y. (2002). The Philosophy and Psychology of Performance Anxiety and its Subjective, Relational, and Discursive Potentiality. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Sydney, 2002, 117–120. C. Stevens, D. Burnham, G. McPherson, E. Schubert, J. Renwick (Eds.). Adelaide: Causal Productions. ISBN 1-876346-39-6

Senyshyn, Y. Wittgenstein, Music and Colour: Implications of Scientism and Inwardness. Toward Scientific Literacy: The History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, Canada, June 21–24, 1997. Edited by Linda Lentz and Ian Winchester. Faculty of Education, University of Calgary Publications, 671-681 (CD of Conference Proceedings: 1999).

