
Refereed Journal Articles

Senyshyn, Y. Understanding and Working with Performance Anxiety in Education (under review with Journal of Educational Thought). 

Senyshyn, Y. (2012). Respecting students, acquiring humility, and ignoring the curriculum. Journal of Educational Thought, 45(2), 145163.

Abramson, N. and Senyshyn, Y. (2010). Effective Punishment Through Forgiveness: Rediscovering Kierkegaards Knight of Faith in the Abraham Story. Organization Studies, 31, 555581.

Abramson, N. and Senyshyn, Y. (2009). Punishment and Forgiveness: A Phenomenological Analysis of Archetypal Leadership Patterns and the Implications for Educational Practice. Interchange, 40(4), 130.

Senyshyn, Y. (2009). Wittgenstein and the Aesthetics of Educational Administration: Philosophical Biography and Thought. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations (JEAF), 19(1).

Senyshyn, Y. (2008). The Good and its Relation to Music Education. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 17(2), 8093.

Senyshyn, Y. (under review). Understanding and Working with Performance Anxiety in Education.

Senyshyn, Y. (in preparation). "Once Upon a time in the West": Opera and Soundscape.

Senyshyn, Y. (2004/2005). The Hegelian Exhaustiblity of Art and Dantos End of Philosophy: Existential Thought and Polymetric Music in Di Ciccos Poetry. Italian Canadiana, 18 (University of Toronto) 3748.

Senyshyn, Y. (2005). Rise of Authoritarianism in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis of the Research Assessment Exercise in British Universities. Journal of Educational Thought, 39(3), 229244.

Senyshyn, Y. (2005). Old Texts and OperaInciting Students to Read. Educational Leadership, 62(7), 7477.

Senyshyn, Y. (2003). Musical Aphorisms and Common Aesthetic Quandaries. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 11(2), 421.

Senyshyn, Y. & Vezina, D. (2002). Wittgenstein, Collingwood and the Aesthetic and Ethical Conundrum of the Opera. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 10(1), 2735.

Senyshyn, Y. & ONeill, S. (2001). Subjective Experience of Anxiety and Musical Performance: A Relational Perspective. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 9(1), 4253.

Senyshyn, Y. (1999). A Kierkegaardian Perspective on Society and the Status of the Individual as a Performing Musician. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 7(2), 8093.

Senyshyn, Y. (1999). The Passionate Teacher and the Curriculum Police: Perspectives on Modes of Subjectivity and the Curriculum as Art. Journal of Educational Thought, 33(2), 153173.

Senyshyn, Y. (1999). Perspectives on Performance and Anxiety and their Implications for Creative Teaching. The Canadian Journal of Education, 24(1), 3041.

Senyshyn, Y. (1999). Computational Thinking and Cognitive Hangovers. The International Society for the Study of Music Education: Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 141, 135138.

Senyshyn, Y. (1998). Opera and Co-authorship: Implications for Ethics and Aesthetics. Musica-Realta, 55.

Senyshyn, Y. (1998). Kierkegaardian Implications of Punishment, Guilt and Forgiveness for Education. Interchange, 29(4), 425437.

Senyshyn, Y. (1996). Kierkegaards Aesthetic Stage of Existence and its Relation to Live Musical Performance. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 4(1), 5063.

Senyshyn, Y. (1995). "The Crisis": The Practical Realization of Kierkegaards Aesthetic Philosophy. Interchange, 26(3), 257264.

Senyshyn, Y. (1995). Kierkegaard, Musical Performance and the Relation and Differentiation of the Sexes. Interchange, 26(2), 105126.

