
Graduate Student Supervision

Senior Supervisor

Carmen Almarza (PhD, 2017), The clinical practice of embodied care: a phenomenological examniation of physician-family interactions in oncological treatment 

Marco Espinoza (PhD, 2016), Language 'as' element: the sentient registers of communicative practice 

Matthew Kruger-Ross (PhD, 2016), An inquiry into the question or being in teaching: world, attunement, and the danger of enframement 

Paula Rosehart (PhD, 2013), Learning to Move-Moving to Learn: Metaphorical Expressions in Teacher EducationMarco Espinoza (PhD, 2016), Language 'as' element: the sentient registers of communicative practice 

Brian Storey (PhD, 2011), Public sphere thinking and the role of curriculum maps: Maps, metaphors and agency

Lori Bowrie (MA, 2011), It’s a healthy social thing: Recreation managers’ perceptions of community heath promotion

Carmen Almarza (MA, 2008), When a parent has cancer: An examination of the lived experience of adult children living at home

Wendy Woloshyn (MA, 2007), ’More perfect’: Towards a phenomenology of perfectionism

Jana Milloy (PhD, 2007), Persuasions of the wild: Writing the moment: A phenomenology

Jana Milloy (MA, 2004), Incarnate words: Phenomenology of writing the self

Rebecca J. Lloyd (PhD, 2004), Interactive flow in exercise pedagogy

Darlene Vissers (MA, 2003), Administrators manifesting an ethic of care: A phenomenological perspective

Lori Driussi (MA, 2002), Cultivating risk: A teacher-gardener’s journey

Ursula Velonis (PhD, 2002), Toward a Spiritual Pedagogy: A Conceptual and Operational Proposal based on Five School of Yoga

L. Desiree Blume (MA, 2001), Choosing Risk: Embracing Possibility in Teaching and Learning

Lorna Millard (MA, 1999), Our Secret Selves: A Phenomenological Study of the Impact of Secrecy and Search on Adoptees in Closed Adoptions

Brenda M. McNeill (MA, 1999), Searching for a Place of One's Own: Coming of Age in High School

Maureen J. Smith (MA, 1998), An Examination of Population Health Strategies and Their Use in Community Dental Health Programming in B.C.

Kimiko N. Bechta (MA, 1998), Mother Earth, Brother Bear: Discerning Metaphors to Live By in Environmental Education

Celeste Snowber Schroeder (PhD, 1998), A Poetics of Embodiment: Cultivating an Erotics of the Everyday

Michael R. Maser (MA, 1997), Virtual High: Toward and Ecology of Being

Dana R. Ulveland (PhD, 1995), Technological Attendere

Joyce Bodell (MA, 1994), A Call to Action: Mapping the Terrain of Emancipatory Pedagogy

Carollyne Sinclaire (MA, 1992), Looking for Home: A Phenomenological Study of Home in the Classroom
* Awarded the Dean's Convocation Medal for the Faculty of Education, June 4, 1993.
** Her thesis was published as Looking for Home, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994.

Josephine Sahli (MA, 1993), Making a Meaningful Connection: The Integration of Physical Education and Writing

Jo-Ann E. Nicol (MA, 1993), Keeping Alive the Curiosity: A Phenomenological Study of the Pedagogical Practices of a Non-Sectarian Homeschooling Support Group

Pamela Third (MA, 1991), Intuition and Education: From Apple Blossoms and Valves to Dick Tracy Finds Da Woims in Dem Apples

Patricia K. Grainge (MA, 1991), 'Journey to the Well': Exploring Personal Meaning Through Drama

Jane A. Preston (MA, 1991), Health-Based Physical Education: A Cultural Critique

Second Committee Member

Awneet Sivia (PhD, 2017), Discord and Dissonance: Living Through and Learning from a Teacher Educator's Memories 

Petra Mikulan (PhD, 2017), Pedagogy without bodies 

Laura Dilley (MA, 2016), Individual, Inter-professional, and Institutional Influences on the Knowledge Translation Process 

Peter Koci (PhD, 2013), Factors Influencing Learning Environments in an Integrated Experiential Program

Lorraine White-Wilkinson (MA, 2013), Dancing into Voice: Articulating and Engaging Embodied Knowledge

Christine Savage (EdD, 2012), Advancing the educational mission of international education: A provincial government case study

Larry Green (PhD, 2012), The Relationship between the Prereflective Self and the Reflective Mind: Keeping the Head and Heart Together

Marzieh Saghafian (MA, 2011), One Word, Two Meanings: Examining the Lived Experience of Teamwork in Virtual and Face-to-Face Student Teams

Susan Montabello (PhD, 2008), Journeying into the heart of schools: Dwelling in time, place and intimacy

Karen Reilly-Clark (PhD, 2003), The process of disengagement and reintegration to school: A narrative inquiry

Hwai-Hsuan (Eric), Wu (PhD, 2003), The art of I am: A performative approach towards art education

Craig Worthing (PhD, 2002), Re/constituting educational administration: Hermeneutic dispositions(s), of the interpretive gesture and situations-at-hand in daily school life

Susan G. Gerofsky (PhD, 1999), The Word Problem as Genre in Mathematics Education

David Partridge (PhD, 1998), The construction of practical knowledge by physical education preservice teachers during the practicum experience (University of British Columbia),

Kathleen S. Cornell (M.Ed., 1998), Changing Lenses: A Teacher's Story of Professional Growth

Lynda Milham (MA 1998),

Maureen Smith (MA, 1998),

Margie Savigny (MA, 1998), Finding My Place: A Reflective Practice Study of School Administration

Mary W. Ashford (PhD, 1996), Boredom as a neglected issue in violence prevention programs in schools

Jil Ashton-Leigh (M.Ed., 1995), A Case Study of Principalship

Wanda Pierson (MA, 1995), The Construction of Caring in Nursing Education

Beverley Kelly (MA, 1994), Parents as Tutors: An Early Intervention Program for At-Risk Beginning Readers

Donald McLeod (MA, 1994), Earthworks: An Analysis and Educational Perspective

Quirien E.A. Mulder-ten-Kate (MA, 1993), A Case Study of 'Reflective Moments' in Conversations: Making Sense of Environmental Education

Susan Montabello (MA, 1993), The Gifts and Graces of an Interrupted Life

Elizabeth Tuck (MA, 1993), Educational Programs that address Violence Against Women

Marianne Yeatman (MA, 1992), Master's Attrition at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV: A Portrait

R. Dale Kelly (MA, 1992), Understanding the Experience of Teacher Development

Neil Huestis (MA 1991), Clinical Metaphor-telling: Counsellors' Intentions, Beliefs, and Experience

Mona M. Barron (MA, 1991), Factors Which Enable Women to Leave Their Abusive Partners

Project Supervisor

Lynne Wilkinson (M.Ed., 2000), Centre Time: A Phenomenological Study of Play Experiences in the Classroom

Tasnim Dharamsi (M.Ed., 1998), Teacher Inquiry: Placing Children at the Center of Decision-Making

Della Meyers (M.Ed., 1998), Collaborative Administration: Fostering Shared Leadership

Fran Graham (M.Ed., 1996), Listening to Children: A Pedagogy of Voice

Naigang Yu (M.Ed., 1996), A cultural Analysis of Sex Education in the Shanghai Province of China

Laurie Lenardon (M.Ed, 1996), Factors that have Lead Women to Become Leaders in Technology Education

David Wills (M.Ed., 1995), Surviving School: A Practical Guide for Student Success

Janice Clark (M.Ed., 1994), 'Pinballs': Accessing Support Services for Special Needs Children

Gail Klaver (M.Ed., 1992), Experiences in, and Perceptions of, Physical Education of Grade 10 and 11 Female Students

Carol M. Coulson (M.Ed., 1992), What Can Be Done in Junior High School Physical Education Classes to Positively Motivate Students

Joseph Paine (M.Ed., 1991), A Tale of Two Curricula: A Case Study of the Implementation of an Instructional Innovation

Deborah Faulds (M.Ed., 1991), Stories of Expectation and Reality: Relinquishing a Baby with Down's Syndrome to Open Adoption

Robert E. Cadman (M.Ed., 1989), French Canadian Studies: A Conceptual Plan for a New French Immerson Program

External Examiner

Nicole Glenn (PhD, 2014), In the queue for bariatric surgery: A phenomenology of waiting (University of Alberta),

Sean Park (PhD, 2014), Embodied inner work: An educator’s journey of body-mind-heart integration

Kathryn Ricketts (PhD, 2011), The suitcase, the map, the compass: An expedition into embodied poetic narrative and its application toward fostering optimal learning spaces

Cheryl Zawaduk (EdD, 2011), It takes a village: Rural nursing preceptorships as cultural mediation

Patricia Hibbetts (EdD, 2009), We Do This For The Next Child: A Mother's Phenomenological Auto Narrative Inquiry Into Experiencing Her Children's Schools

Anne Chodakowski (PhD, 2009), Teaching made wonderful: Redesigning teacher education with imagination in mind

Lorna Ramsay (PhD, 2009), Pedagogy of embodied voice: Reflective arts performance in special needs and teacher education

Carla Glen (PhD, 2009), Spectacle, shock, and surfacing (Considering the practice of installation art to make meaning of everyday life in a technologically driven visual world

Gerda van de Windt (PhD, 2008), Art and aesthetic education: A painter’s philosophy

Ralph Perez (PhD, 2007), A philosophy of film education

Ada Glustein (MA, 2006), Storied Voices: A Phenomenological Study of Identity and Belonging

Andrew Foran (PhD, 2006), Teaching outside the school: A phenomenological inquiry University of Alberta

Linda Findlay (MA, 2005), Murky Waters: Navigating through the myths and rules of art making

Cheryl Kay (MA, 2004), Wild things live in Isaiah’s garage: Dancemaking in education

Gerda Van der Windt (MA, 2004), Artistic creativity: Transforming sorrow into beauty, truth and art

Ann Chinnery (PhD, 2003), Response and responsibility: On Levinas and moral education

John Anderson (PhD, 2002), Different paths to a shared future: A phenomenological journey

Annabella Ildiko Fodor (MA, 1999),

Wendy Austin (PhD, 1997), The lived experience of adolescent love

John Neufeld (PhD, 1996), Teachers' Educational Development: A Textual Study of an Idea

Cindi L. Seddon (MA, 1995), Where Do the Mermaids Stand?: Breaking Through Myths in Curriculum and Research

David L. Coulter (PhD, 1994), Dialogism and Teacher-Research

Violet Hughes (M.Ed., 1993), Addressing the Critical Questions in the Introduction of the Intermediate Program

Patricia R. Komar (MA, 1992), Dramatherapy and Students with Learning Disabilities

Ronald Woo (M.Sc/M.Ed., 1991),, Using Cooperative Learning to Prepare Students for Mathematics Contests

Allan L. Edwards (PhD, 1990), School Based Assessment and Curriculum Change in Queensland Health and Physical Education

External Committee Member

David Partridge (PhD, 1998), The Construction of Practical Knowledge by Physical Education Preservice Teachers During the Practicum Experience (University of British Columbia)

Jo Ann Nicol (PhD), 'A Slushy time': The Transitional Experiences and Changing Images of Adolescents Crossing the Bridge to Adulthood (University of British Columbia)
