
Presentations and Participation

Smith, S.J. (2017, November). Inter-Active for Life: Exploring Sustained and Sustaining Movement Practices through the Function2Flow model. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Canberra, ACT

Smith, S.J. (2017, March). Bringing up life with horses. Third Biennial Living With Animals conference at Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky.

Smith, S.J. (2016, July). Life phenomenology: Movement, affect, and language. 35th International Human Science Research Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario. 

Smith, S.J. (2016, July). The vitality of humanimality. 35th International Human Science Research Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario 

Smith, S.J. (2016, May). Life phenomenology: A methodological orientation to researching relational flow. Conference for Psychology of Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), University of Calgary.

Smith, S.J. (2014, November/December). Gestures of attunement: Mimetic moments in equestrian sport and salsa dance. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.

Lloyd, R.J. and Smith, S.J. (2014, August). Meaningful motile connections: Flow in salsa dance, dressage and life. 33rd International Human Science Research Conference, St. Francis Xavier University.

Smith, S.J. (2014, August). Horse play of a kinethic kind. 33rd International Human Science Research Conference, St. Francis Xavier University.

Lloyd, R.J. and Smith, S.J. (2014, May). Cultivating pedagogical connection: Exemplars of interactive flow in salsa dancing and equestrian art. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Brock University, ON.

Smith, S.J. (2014, April). Riding in the skin of the moment: An agogic practice.  Interactive Futures 2014: Morethanhuman worlds, compassionate interactions and the ethics of aesthetics, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC.

Ewen,L. and Smith, S.J. (2014, February). Community learning and the development of key teaching dispositions. Western Canadian Association of Student Teaching Conference (WestCAST), University of Manitoba, MB.

Smith, S. J. (2013, August). Phenomenological pedagogy: Reaching back, reaching forward, reaching beyond. International Human Science Research Conference (IHSRC) presentation, Aalborg, Denmark.

Smith, S.J. (2013, August). Doing MotionSensitive Phenomenology: Reaching Beyond the Tradition. Seminar presentation with Adams, C, Foran, A, Saevi, T, and Howard, P. International Human Science Research Conference, Aarlborg University, Denmark.

Lloyd, R.J. and Smith, S.J. (2013, June). Tracing the Tributaries of Mainstream Conceptions of Physical Literacy: Flowing Within and Beyond the Bounded Discipline of Physical Education. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE).

Smith, S.J. and Ewen, L. (2013, June). Community Experience as a Reflective and potentially Redirective Practice of Learning to Teach. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE).

Smith, S.J. and Lloyd, R.J. (2012, December). Being literally physical and becoming physically literate. Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), University of Sydney. Sydney, Australia.

Smith, S.J. (2012, June). Dancing with horses: the science and artistry of coesesthetic connection. International Human Science Research Conference, University of Quebec at Montreal. Montreal, QC.

Lloyd, R., Smith, S., Streit, D. and Balsawer, V. (2012, May). From function to flow: An interdisciplinary approach to assessing physical literacy in alternative physical activities. CSSE Annual Conference, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, ON.

Smith, S.J. (2011, December). Humanhorse partnership: Beyond the dressage. Paper presentation at the Australian and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies (ANZALS) Biennial Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Smith, S.J. (2011, October). Physical Education and School Movement Culture: Trends and Possibilities for the Next 25 Years. Invited keynote at Douglas College, QDPE Conference.

Smith, S.J. (2011, July). Dancing with Horses: Energetics and the morethanhuman world. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Human Science Research Conference, Oxford University.

Lloyd, R., Streit, D. & Smith, S. (2011, May). Hooping it Up: Enlivening Conceptions of Teacher Education through Interactivity. The Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). NB.

Lloyd, R., Smith, S., Partridge, S. & Beaulne, C. (2011, May). Moving to Learn and Learning to Move: A phenomenological inquiry into movement consciousness within the JungleSport schoolbased program. The Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). NB.

Smith, S.J. (2010). Metaphors to teach by. Paper presentation at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) International Conference, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.

Smith, S.J. (2010, October). Flow into Fitness. Invited keynote at the OPHEA/ PHE Canada PreConference Symposium, The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, ON.

Smith, S.J., Milloy, J. & Lloyd, R. (2010, August). Attending to the somatic fringes of the moment. Symposium presentation at the International Human Science Research Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.

Smith, S.J. & Lloyd, R.J. (2010, May/June). Jumping through hoops: Developing a somatic consciousness in teacher education. Paper presentation at the Canadian Association for Studies in Education (CSSE) 38th Annual Conference, Concordia University. 

Almarza, C. & Smith, S.J. (2010, May). Hope and transformation in the face of death. Paper presentation at the 12th World PsychoOncology Congress, International PsychoOncology Society, Quebec City, QC. Published abstract in PsychoOncology, 19(2), 182183.

Almarza, C. & Smith, S.J. (2010, February). When a patient has Cancer: An examination of the lived experiences of adult children living at home.  Poster presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, New Orleans, LA. Published abstract in PsychoOncology, 19(1), S1S102.

Smith, S.J. (2009, November/December). Pedagogical complexions: Learning to teach between cultures. Paper presentation at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) International Conference, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia.

Smith, S.J. (2009, July). The bodywork of learning to teach: A somatic framework for teacher education. Paper presentation at the 16th International Conference on Learning, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Lloyd, R.J. and Smith, S.J. (2009, May). Promoting interdisciplinarity and flow in PE and DPA through the physical mindfulness model. Canadian Association for Studies in Education (CSSE) 37th Annual Conference, Carleton University, Carleton, ON.

Lloyd, R.J. and Smith, S.J. (2009, May). Enlivening the curriculum of healthrelated fitness. Paper presentation at the 4th Biennial Provoking Curriculum Studies Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.

Lloyd, R.J. and Smith, S.J. (2009, April/May). The physical mindfulness model: A conceptual framework and curriculum plan. Paper presentation at the Canadian Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, Banff School of the Fine Arts, Banff, AB.

Lloyd, R. J., & Smith, S. J. (2008, May). Moving towards a greater understanding: A vitality approach to games and sports. Paper presentation at the Fourth International Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU) Conference. Vancouver, BC.

Smith, S.J. (2008, May/June). Discussant for symposium on Hermeneutic phenomenology research: Writing practices and techniques.  Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), 36th annual conference, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Smith, S.J., Chin, G., L. Clapp & Plummer, L. (2007, February). Teacher presence: Learning to teach in a kinetic language. WestCAST Conference, University of Manitoba, MB.

Smith, S.J and Milloy, J. (2006, August). Vital contacts: Lingis and Multilingual movements. 26th International Human Science Research Conference, John F. Kennedy University, Pleasant Hill, CA.

Smith, S.J., Henry, T. and Lewis, S. (2006, July). Moving to teach: The pedagogics of an international teacher education placement, From 間眅埶AV to the world and back: Weaving International and local perspectives. 間眅埶AV Burnaby Campus, Burnaby, BC.

Smith, S.J. (2006, March). Bodily bearings: The mimetic practice of teaching. 間眅埶AV Faculty of Education 40th Anniversary Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Smith, S.J., Henry, T., and Joyce, S. and student teachers of the ITEM (2006, February). Place centered pedagogy: Learning to teach in Mexico and Trinidad. WestCAST Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Smith, S.J. and Milloy, J. (2005, August). Ethical movements: The emergence of writing and teaching. 24th International Human Science Research Conference, Bournemouth University, UK.

Lloyd, R. J. & Smith, S. J. (2005, May). Military vs. Fluid Bodies: Cultivating MotionSensitive Pedagogy. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) conference, University of Western Ontario, ON.

Smith, S. J. & Lloyd, R. J. (2005, May). A Vitality Approach to the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of HealthRelated, Physical Education Programs. CUPR Forum at CAHPERD, University of Regina, Regina, SK.

Lloyd, R. J. & Smith S. J. (2005, May). Interactive Flow: A Pedagogical Addition to Csikszentmihalyis Model and Conception of Flow. Council of University Professors and Researchers (CUPR) Forum at the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference (CAHPERD), University of Regina, Regina, SK.

Simms, E., Smith, S. J., Lloyd, R. J., & Milloy, J. (2004, August). The Landscapes, Languages and Longings of the Gestural Body. International Human Science Research Conference, Brock University, ON.

Smith, S.J., Wahl, S., Nicolsfigueredo, J., and Carroll, H. (2004, February). The enacted spaces of teaching. WestCAST Conference, University of Alberta, AB.

Smith, S. J., Lloyd, R. J. (2003, February). Cultivating the Teaching Body. Paper presentation at the Western Canadian Association of Student Teaching (WestCAST) conference, University of Manitoba, MB.

Lloyd, R. J., Smith, S. J. & Snowber, C. N. (2002, June). The Textualities of Flow. International Human Science Research Conference, Victoria B.C.

Smith, S.J., Haggarty, R. and Snowber, C. (2000, February). Embodied practices in teacher education. WestCAST Conference, University of Regina, Regina, SK.

Smith, S.J., Snowber, C. (April). Dancing the Pedagogy of Gesture. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association, ArtsBased Inquiry, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, S.J. (August 1997). Defiled Flesh and the Shape of Things to Come. Paper presentation at the 16th International Human Science Research Conference, University of Groningen, Trondheim, Norway.

Smith, S.J. (1996, August). Tracing a Pedagogy of the Flesh. Paper presentation at the 15th International Human Science Research Conference, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, NS.

Smith, S.J. (1996, May). The gestures of a tangible curriculum. Curriculum as Narrative conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Smith, S.J., Meguido, Z., Sinclaire, C. (1994, November/December). Writing up One's Life With Children: the Phenomenology of Pedagogical Reflection. Paper presentation at the Australian Association for Research in Education, University of Newcastle.

Smith, S.J. (1993, August). The Politics of Neglect and the Neglect of Pedagogy. Paper presentation at the 12th International Human Science Research Conference, University of Groningen.

Smith, S.J. (1992, June). Recollections that Guide the Teaching of Physical Education. Paper presentation; Reflective Praxis and Power Issues in Physical Education. Symposium at the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation National Conference, University of Manitoba, MB.

Smith, S.J., Sinclaire, C. (1992, June). Physical Remembrances of Childhood. Paper presentations at the Eleventh International Human Science Research Conference, Oakland University, Rochester, MI.

Smith, S.J. (1992, May/June). Physically Remembering Childhood. Paper presentation at the 3rd International Invitational Pedagogy Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.

Smith, S.J. (1991, August). A Pedagogical Sense of Change. Paper presenation at the 2nd International Invitational Pedagogy Conference, University of Utrecht.

Smith, S.J. (1991, June). The Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Kingston, ON.

Smith, S.J. (1990, October). Voices of Experience and Teaching Practice. Paper presentation at the Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH.

Smith, S.J. (1990, June). Remembrances of Childhood as a Source of Pedagogical Understanding. Paper presentation at the 9th International Human Sciences Research Conference, Quebec City, QC.

Smith, S.J. (1990, May/June). Invitational International Pedagogy Conference, Banff, AB.

Smith, S.J., Emerson, R. (1990, March). Dance and Integration. Paper presenation at the Fine Arts Symposium sponsored by the BC Ministry of Education and the Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC.

Smith, S.J. (1990, March). Active and Healthy Living: A Dialogue on Teacher Preparation, Invited Participant from BC universities.

Smith, S.J. (1989, October). Focus on Children Symposium. Invited participant at the Society for Children and Youth of B.C.

Smith, S.J. (1989, August). Teaching Children to Take Risks on the Playground. Paper presenation at the 8th International Human Science Research Conference, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Smith, S.J. (1989, May). Response to The Language of Research and the Language of Practice. Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies Invitational Conference on Collaborative Action Research, Jasper, AB.

Smith, S.J. (1988, July). Operating on a Childs Heart: A Pedagogical View of Hospitalization. Paper presentation at the 7th International Human Science Research Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.

Smith, S.J. (1988, May). Where is the Child in Physical Education Research? Paper presentation at the CAHPER/HPEC 1988 Conference, University of Alberta, AB.

Smith, S.J. (1988, April). Risk and the Playground. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association 1988 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, S.J. Paper presentation at the Ethnography of Childhood 2nd International Workshop and an accompanying interview was filmed by Thoughtwaves Productions of Edmonton and was shown on Access TV in Alberta and British Columbia.

Smith, S.J. (1987, July). Can You Push Me? A Pedagogy of Risk Taking. Paper presented at the Ethnography of Childhood 2nd International Workshop, Camrose International Institute.

Smith, S.J. (1987, May). Research for Action-Sensitive-Understanding. Symposium presentation at the 6th International Human Sciences Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.

Smith, S.J. (1986, May). Panel Member discussing journal publishing at the 5th International Human Sciences Conference, University of California at Berkeley, Berkley, CA.

Smith, S.J. (1984, November). History and Philosophy of Sport Symposium, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia.

Smith, S.J. (1982, September). The Hidden Curriculum of Pedagogical Research in Physical Education. Paper presented at the 7th Commonwealth and International Conference on Sport, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia. Published in the Proceedings of the 7th Commonwealth and International Conference on Sport, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 6, 231238.

Smith, S.J. (1979). The Significance of FirstPerson Understanding. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Conference in Education, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia.
