
Refereed Edited Book Chapters

Marshall, S., Alhannash, M., & Masoumi Mayni, S. (2024). Reflecting on linguistic landscapes during decolonizing times: A case from Canadian higher education. In E. Krompák & D. Gorter (Eds.), Educational Agency and Activism in Lingustic Landscape Studies (pp. 195-228). Peter Lang.

Marshall, S. & Amburgey, B. (2024). Challenges faced by Japanese English teachers applying knowledge after study abroad. In K. Beck & R. Ilieva (Eds.) Language, Culture, and Education in an Internationalizing University: Perspectives and Practices of Faculty, Students, and Staff (pp. 129-146)Bloomsbury.

Marshall, S. (2022). Japanese English teachers’ professional development in a Canadian university: perceptions of self and imagining practice. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.) Language Teachers Studying Abroad: Identities, Emotions and Disruptions (pp. 35-46). Bristol, UK, Multilingual Matters.

Marshall, S. (2021). Plurilingualism and the tangled web of lingualisms. In E. Piccardo, A. Germain-Rutherford, & G. Lawrence (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Plurilingual Language Education (pp. 46-64), Routledge.

Marshall, S. (2020). Applying plurilingual pedagogy in first-year Canadian higher education: From generic to scientific academic literacy. In S. Lau & S. Van Viegen, Plurilingual pedagogies (pp. 253-269). Springer Language Education and Linguistics Series.

Moore, D., Marshall, S. & Zhu, Y. (2015). Plurilinguismes et identités à l’université. Les inter-maillages du français, du chinois et de l’anglais chez des étudiants de première année à Vancouver au Canada. In Bouvier-Laffitte, B. & Loiseau, Y. (eds.). Polyphonies franco-chinoises. Mobilités, dynamiques identitaires et didactique (pp. 81–100). Paris: l’Harmattan.

Marshall, S., Clemente, A., & Higgins, M. (2014). Introduction. In S. Marshall, A. Clemente, & M. Higgins (Eds.), Shaping ethnography in multilingual and multicultural contexts (pp. 1-28). London, ONT: Althouse Press.

Marshall, S. (2014). Negotiating the ism schism: Is it possible to be ‘partially ethnographic'? In S. Marshall, A. Clemente, & M. Higgins (Eds.), Shaping ethnography in multilingual and multicultural contexts (pp. 131-150). London, ONT: Althouse Press.

Marshall, S. & Williams, S.A. (2010). Combining process, product and genre on a graduate EAP writing course ‘outside of the disciplines’. In G. Blue (Ed.), Developing academic literacy (pp. 143–154). Oxford: Peter Lang.

Marshall, S. & Mossman, T. (2010). Changing cultures and identities in Japanese-English bicultural names: From parents to children. In D. Nunan & J. Choi (Eds.), Language and culture: Reflective narratives and the emergence of identity (pp. 147–154). New York, NY: Routledge.

Nilson, M., Pidgeon, M., Laitsch, D., Marshall, S. & Ilieva, R. (2010). The sociopolitical context of teacher education in Canada. In S. F. Etelvina, R. Blum Martínez, & I.H. Andrews (Eds.), Challenges and possibilities in teacher education: A North American perspective (pp. 35–58). Mexico: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

Marshall, S. (2008). Langues et identités dans les interactions entre les minorités allochtones et autochtones: Essentialisme, appropriation et multiplicité en Catalogne. In P. Martinez, D. Moore, & V. Spaëth (Eds.), Plurilinguismes et enseignement: Identités en construction (pp. 77–90). Paris: Riveneuve Editions.

Marshall, S. (2006). Spanish-speaking Latin Americans in Catalonia: Reflexivity and knowledgeability in constructions of Catalan. In C. Mar Molinero & M. Stewart (Eds.), Globalization and language in the Spanish speaking world: Macro and micro perspectives (pp. 158-177). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

