
Refereed Publications

Morrow, M., Bryson, S., Lal, R., Hoong, P., Jiang, C., Jordan, S., Patel, N., Guruge, S. (in press) Intersectionality as an analytic framework for understanding the experiences of mental health stigma among racialized men. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

Travers, A. Boulay, N. Marchbank,J. and Jordan,S. (in press, 2019). Self-silencing and settling for less in cross disciplinary collaboration on behalf of transgender youth. Feminist Teacher, 28, 2-3.

Jordan, S.R. (2009) Un/Convention(al) Refugees: Contextualizing the accounts of refugees facing homophobic or transphobic persecution. Refuge: Canadas periodical on refugees, 26(2), 165182.

Bryson, M. MacIntosh, L. Jordan, S.R. Lin, H. (2009). Virtually Queer? Precarious mobilities of knowledge and education. In Tozer, S, Henry, A. Gallegos, B. Bushnell Greiner, M. Groves Price, P. (Eds.), Handbook of Research in the Social Foundations of Education. Chicago: Routledge.

Long, B.C. Hall, W. Bermbach, N. Jordan, S.R. & Patterson, K. (2008) Gauging visibility: How female clerical workers manage work-related distress Qualitative Health Research, 18(10) 394410.

Bryson, M. MacIntosh, L. Jordan, S. Lin, H. (2006). Virtually Queer? Homing devices, Mobility and Un/Belongings. Canadian Journal of Communication, 31(4), 791814.

Hall, W., Long, B., Bermbach, N. Jordan, S. & Patterson, K. (2005). Qualitative Teamwork Issues and Strategies: Coordination through mutual adjustment. Qualitative Health Research, 15(3), 394409.

Harkness, A. Long, B. Bermbach, N. Patterson, K. Jordan, S. & Kahn, H. (2005). Talking about work stress: discourse analysis and implications for stress interventions. Work & Stress, 19(2), 121136.

Amundson, N.E., Borgen, W., Erlebach, A.C. & Jordan, S.R. (2004). Survivors of downsizing: Helpful and hindering experiences. Career Development Quarterly, 52(3), 256271.
