

Chorney, S. (2018). Orchestrating Desmos: Rethinking thinking about digital technology. Canadian Mathematics Society: Winter meeting. Vancouver, Canada.

Chorney, S. & Bakos, S. (2018). Indigenizing the mathematics curriculum with pre-service teachers. Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the North American Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PMENA), Greenville, USA.

Chorney, S., Sinclair, N. & Coles, A. (2018). Relation, ritual and romance: Rethinking interest in mathematics learning. Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG), Squamish, Canada.

Chorney, S. (2018). A social expression of number using TouchCounts. Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), Umea, Sweden.

Chorney, S. (2018, May). Our mathematics: A future to believe in. Surrey Teacher Association Convention. Kwantlen Park Secondary School, Surrey.

Macalister, E., Raisinghani, L., Chyzyk. M., & Chorney, S. (2018, May). Social justice and mathematics. 21st annual Investigating Our Practices: Professional development for educators. University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

Chorney, S. (2018, April). Our mathematics: A future to believe in. Reclaiming common ground: A cross border social justice conference. Sullivan Heights Secondary, Surrey.

Chorney, S. (2018, January). Teaching mathematics for social justice: Beyond the equation. Active citizenship: Teaching for the core competencies. Tupper Secondary, Vancouver.

Chorney, S. & Bakos, S. (2017, October). Indigenizing mathematics. BCAMT conference. Burnaby Central, Burnaby.

Chorney, S. (2017, July). Indigenizing mathematics. Indigenizing the K-12 Curriculum Symposium. 間眅埶AV, Surrey.

Chorney, S. (2016, July). The physical concept and the indeterminate tool. Psychology of mathematics education 40. Szeged, Hungary.

Chorney, S. (2016, July). Exploring the social dimension of using Touchcounts. International congress on mathematics education 13. Hamburg, Germany.

Chorney, S. (2016, June). From Agency to Narrative: Tools in Mathematical Learning. Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group. Kingston, ON.

Chorney, S. (2016, May). Teaching mathematics for social justice: A future to believe in. Changing the Culture plenary. 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre, Vancouver BC.

Chorney, S. (2016, March). Creating Flexible Learning Experiences in Math Education. Building Connections: Well-Being and Teaching. Burnaby, BC.

Chorney, S. (2016, February). Curriculum Matters: What's New in Mathematics Teaching? Vancouver School Board District Conference. Vancouver, BC.

Chorney, S. (2015, October). Engaging mathematics problems. BCAMT Northwest conference. Whistler, BC.

Chorney, S. (2015, October). Early Learning Technologies. BCAMT Northwest conference. Whistler, BC.

Chorney, S. (2015, October). Disrupting classrooms norms: A mathematics perspective. 間眅埶AV Educator Talks. Vancouver, BC.

Chorney, S. (2014, October). Mathematics and Time. BCAMT fall conference, For the Love of Math. Surrey, BC.

Chorney, S. (2013, July). A Post-Humanist perspective on a Geometric Learning Situation. Psychology of Mathematics Education 37. Kiel, Germany.

Chorney, S. (2012, October). Celebrating 50 years of Vector: Selected writings from the Journal of the BCAMT. Northwest conference. Victoria, BC.

Chorney, S. (2011, July). A Shift in Ontology: Material Agency as an influence in identity formation. Psychology of Mathematics Education 35. Ankara, Turkey.

Chorney, S. (2011, February). Material Agency: Questioning Both its Role and Mediational Significance in Mathematics Learning. Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) 14th Annual conference. Portland, OR.

Chorney, S. (2008). A Rationale for Open-Ended mathematics problems, BCAMT fall conference. Vancouver, BC.

Chorney, S. (1998). Open-Ended Mathematics problems, BCAMT fall conference. Coquitlam, BC.
