
Refereed Conference Proceedings

Marmur, O., & Zazkis, R. (2020). Making sense of irrational exponents: University students explore. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Boston, MA.

Yan, K., Marmur, O., & Zazkis, R. (2020). Calculus for teachers: Visions and considerations of mathematicians. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Boston, MA. 

Yan, K., Marmur, O., & Zazkis, R. (2019). Connecting advanced and secondary mathematics: Insights from mathematicians. Proceedings of the Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education - North American Chapter. Sant Luis, MO. 

Marmur, O., Yan, K., & Zazkis, R. (2019). Fraction-within-fraction: Prospective teachers perspective on symbols and meaning. Proceedings of the Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education - North American Chapter. Sant Luis, MO. 

Marmur, O., Moutinho, I., & Zazkis, R. (2019). Conversations on Density of Q in R.  Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

Marmur, O., & Zazkis, R. (2019). Example spaces for functions: Variations on a theme. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

Wasserman, N., Zazkis, R., Baldinger, E., Marmur, O., Murray, E. (2019). Points of connection to secondary teaching in undergraduate Mathematics courses. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

Zazkis, R. (2017). Order of Operations:  A Case of Mathematical Knowledge-in-Use. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, San Diego, CA.

Zazkis, R. & Mamolo, A. (2016). Extending horizon: A story of a teacher educator. Proceedings of the Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education - North American Chapter. Tucson AZ.

Kontorovich, I. & Zazkis, R. (2016). Static and dynamic: Negotiating incompatible perspectives on angle. 40th  International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education,  Szeged, Hungary.

Zazkis, R. & Kontorovich, I. (2016). On .symbols, reciprocals and inverse functions.  Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Pittsburgh, PA.   

Wijeratne, C. & Zazkis, R. (2015). Painters paradox: Epistemological and didactical obstacle. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Pittsburgh, PA.

Zazkis, R & Nejad, M.  (2014). Uncovering teachers views via imagined role playing. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 5. (pp. 425-432). Vancouver, BC.

Zazkis, R. & Zazkis, D. (2014).  Proof scripts as a lens for exploring proof comprehension. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Denver, CO.

Koichu, B. & Zazkis, R (2013). A dialogic method of presenting proofs: Focus on Fermats little theorem. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Denver, CO.

Zazkis, R. & Zazkis, D. (2013). Exploring mathematics via imagined role-playing. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 4. (pp. 433-40). Kiel, Germany.

Koichu, B. & Zazkis, R (2013). A dialogic method of presenting proofs: Focus on Fermats little theorem. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Denver, CO.

Zazkis, R. (2012). On (almost) immediate solutions to some non-trivial problems. Proceedings of the International Workshop of Israel Science Foundation on Exploring and advancing mathematical abilities in high achievers. Haifa, Israel.

Zazkis, R. & Mamolo, A. (2012). Musings on infinite sample space. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Portland, OR.

Mamolo, A & Zazkis, R. (2012). Challenging convention: Mathematics students resistance to the unconventional. Proceedings of the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Portland, OR.

Zazkis, R., Leikin, R., & Chavoshi Jolfaee, S. (2011). On Mathematics for elementary teachers courses. Proceedings of the Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. Reno, NV.

Chavoshi Jolfaee, S. & Zazkis, R. (2011). Probability zero events: Improbable or impossible? Proceedings of 35th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 2 (pp. 217224). Ankara, Turkey: PME.

Chernoff, E. & Zazkis, R.(2010). A problem with the Problem of Points. Proceedings of the Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. Columbus, OH.

Leikin, R & Zazkis, R. (2009). Exemplifying definitions: on the field-related character of teachers content knowledge. Proceedings of 33rd International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 4 (pp. 18). Thessaloniki, Greece.

Zazkis, R. & Leikin, R. (2009). Advanced mathematical knowledge: How is it used in teaching? Proceedings of the Conference for European Research in Mathematics Education. Lyon, France.

Zazkis, R. (2008). Conceptions of Mathematical giftedness: a Hollywood perspective. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics and the Education of Gifted Students. Haifa, Israel.

Zazkis, R. (2007). Number theory in Mathematics education: Queen and servant. Proceeding of the 7th Seminar on Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Prague, Czech Republic.

Leikin, R. & Zazkis, R. (2007). A view on the teachers opportunities to learn mathematics through teaching. Proceedings of 31st International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 1 (pp. 122128). Seoul, Korea.

Zazkis, R. & Applebaum, M. (2007). Advancing mathematical thinking: Looking back on one problem. Proceedings of the Conference for European Research in Mathematics Education. Larnaca, Cyprus.

Berezovski, T. & Zazkis, R. (2006). Logarithms: Snapshots from Two Tasks. Proceedings of 30th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 2. (pp. 145152). Prague, Czech Republic.

Zazkis, R. & Chernoff, E. (2006). Cognitive conflict and its resolution via pivotal/bridging example. Proceedings of 30th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 4. (pp. 465472). Prague, Czech Republic.

Sirotic, N. & Zazkis, R. (2005). Locating irrational numbers on a number line. Proceedings of the Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. Roanoke, VA.

Gholamazad, S., Liljedahl, P., & Zazkis, R. (2004). What counts as a proof? Investigation of Pre-service elementary teachers evaluation of presented proofs. Proceedings of the conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. Toronto, ON.

Sirotic, N. & Zazkis, R. (2004). Irrational numbers: Dimensions of Knowledge. Proceedings of the conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. Toronto, ON.

Zazkis, R & Sirotic, N. (2004). Making sense of irrational numbers: Focusing on representation. Proceedings of 28th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 4. (pp. 497505). Bergen, Norway. 

Zazkis, R., Liljedahl, P. & Gadowsky, K. (2003). Translation of a function: Coping with perceived inconsistency. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Honolulu. HI.

Gholamazad, S., Liljedahl, P., & Zazkis, R. (2003.) One line proof: What can go wrong? Proceedings of the 27th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Honolulu. HI.

Zazkis, R. & Liljedahl, P. (2002). Repeating patterns as a gateway. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Norwich, UK.

Zazkis, R. (2001). From arithmetic to algebra via big numbers. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematics Education Study on Algebra. Melbourne, Australia.

Zazkis, R. (2001). Elementary Number theory: Issues in research and pedagogy. Proceedings of the 25th meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group.

Zazkis, R. & Liljedahl, P. (2001). Exploring multiplicative and additive structure of arithmetic sequence. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Utrecht, Netherlands.

Liljedahl, P. & Zazkis, R. (2001). Analogy in the exploration of repeating patterns. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education. Utrecht, Netherlands.

Dubinsky, E., Cordero, F., Hillel, J. & Zazkis, R. (1998). Theories and experiments in collegiate mathematics education research. Proceedings of the conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. Raleigh, NC.

Hazzan, O. & Zazkis, R. (1997). Constructing knowledge by constructing examples for mathematical concepts. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education, Lahti, Finland.

Zazkis, R. & Campbell. S. R. (1994). The Fundamental Theorem if Arithmetic: Used and Confused. Proceedings of the conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. D. Kirshener (Ed), Baton Rouge, LA.

Campbell. S. R. & Zazkis, R. (1994). The distributive flaws: Latent conceptual gaps in preservice teachers understanding of the property relating multiplication to addition. Proceedings of the Conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. D. Kirshener (Ed), Baton Rouge, LA.

Zazkis, R. & Campbell. S. R. (1994). Divisibility and division: Procedural attachments and conceptual understanding. Proceedings of the 18-th International conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education, Lisbon, Portugal.

Zazkis, R. (1993). What is the meaning of 12.34five? Preservice teachers interpretations. Proceedings of the conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. B. Pence (Ed), Asilomar, CA.

Zazkis, R. (1992). Inverse of a product: A theorem out of action. Proceedings of the 16-th international conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education, W. Geeslin and K. Graham (Eds.), New Hampshire.

Zazkis, R. & Leron, U. (1989). Images of geometrical transformations: from Euclid to the turtle and back, Proceedings of the 13-th international conference for Psychology of Mathematics Education, G. Vergnaud et al (Eds.), Paris.
