
Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings

Lajoie, C. & Zazkis, R.  (2014). Role-playing and script-writing in Mathematics education: Practice and research. Working group report. Proceedings of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group conference (pp. XX-XX). Edmonton, Alberta.

Zazkis, R. (2012). On (almost) immediate solutions to some non-trivial problems. Proceedings of the International Workshop of Israel Science Foundation on Exploring and advancing mathematical abilities in high achievers. Haifa, Israel.

Zazkis, R. (2008). Conceptions of Mathematical giftedness: a Hollywood perspective. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics and the Education of Gifted Students. Haifa, Israel.

Zazkis, R. (2007). Number theory in Mathematics education: Queen and servant. Proceeding of the 7th Seminar on Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Prague, Czech Republic.

Zazkis, R. (2004). Representing numbers: Prime and Irrational. Electronic proceedings of the 10th International Congress for Mathematics Education. Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www.icme-10.dk/

Sinclair, N., Watson, A. & Zazkis, R. (2004). Learner-generated examples. Working group report. Proceedings of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group conference (pp. 45-54). Laval, Quebec.

Zazkis, R. (2001). Elementary Number theory: Issues in research and pedagogy. Proceedings of the 25th meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group.

Zazkis, R. & Leron, U. (1989). A turtle view of geometric transformations and vice versa.   Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference for Logo and Mathematics Education. U. Leron & N. Krumholtz (Eds.), Jerusalem.

Leron, U. & Zazkis, R. (1986). Functions and variables - a case study of learning mathematics through Logo programming. Proceedings of the Second International Conference for Logo and Mathematics Education, C. Hoyles et al (Eds.), London.

Leron, U. & Zazkis, R. (1985). Mathematical induction and computational recursion. Proceedings of the First International Conference for Logo and Mathematics Education, C. Hoyles & R. Noss (Eds.), London.
