
Research and Development Projects

  • 2023- 2025
    Partners in practice: Establishing a system for educational development towards student participation
    Member of Advisory Committee
    Norwegian Research Council (NRC) – 8,000,000 NOK
  • Under review
    Thinking vs. Studenting
    Member of Advisory Committee
    Australian Research Council – 500,000 AUD
  • Under Review
    Methodologies for pre-service mathematics teacher education: Innovation in times of change
    Member of Advisory Committee
    Italian Ministry of Universities and Research - €891,680
  • Under Review
    Graduate school for teacher educators in mathematics didactics

    Member of Advisory Committee
    The Swedish Research Council - 40,000,000 SEK
  • Under Review
    Collaborative problem solving for everyone: The influence of thinking classroom intervention to pupils’ mathematics performance, emotions, attitudes and executive functions
    Academy of Finland - €480,000
  • 2016–2017
    Mathematics Teacher Tensions – Insights into Professional Growth
    ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Institutional Grant – Small SSHRC, $4748
  • 2015–2016
    Gaming in the Mathematics Classroom: Studenting vs. Learning
    VP Academic 4A, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, $9819.20 for 1 year
  • 2015–2017
    Strategies for Professional Development: Elementary In-service Teachers, Mathematical Abilities and Mathematics Classroom
    FONDEF from CONICYT, Chile, $150,000 for each of 2 years
  • 2010–2013
    Research Students’ Experiences of Change in the Mathematics Classroom
    SSHRC Standard Research Grant, $79,000 for 3 years
  • 2007–2008
    Implementing Mathematical Microworlds in a Virtual Immersive Environment
    ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Institutional Grant – Small SSHRC, $10,997
  • 2007–2009
    Mathematical Visualization in Virtual Environments
    Development grant (for CTEF) from the Research Opportunities Committee, $5,000
  • 2007–2009
    David Wheeler Institute for Research in Mathematics Education
    Seed funding for centre development from the Dean of Education, $15,000
  • 2006–2009
    The professional growth of mathematics teachers: An in-depth look at the centrality of beliefs
    SSHRC Standard Research Grant, $115,000 for 3 years
  • 2005–2006
    Engaging Mathematical Engagement
    ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV President's Research Grant, $9,800
  • 2005–2006
    Enacting Problem Solving Teaching
    ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Institutional Grant – Small SSHRC, $3,700