

Liljedahl, P. (2022). Det Tænkende Klasserum I Matematik: 14 Praksisser Til Bedre Læring. Copenhagen, Denmark: Akademisk Forlag. (Danish translation of Building Thinking Classrooms)

Liljedahl, P. (2022). Att Bygga Tänkande Klassrum i Matematik. Stockholm, Sweden: Gleerups. (Swedish translation of Building Thinking Classrooms)

Liljedahl, P. (2022). Okul Öncesinden Liseye Matematikle Düşünen Sınıflar. Ankara, Turkey: Anı Yayıncılık (Turkish translation of Building Thinking Classrooms)

Chamberlin, S., Liljedahl, P., & Savić, M. (in press). Mathematical Creativity: A Developmental Perspective. New York, NY: Springer.

Liljedahl, P. (2021). Modifying Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics: A Supplement to Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Inc.

Liljedahl, P. (2020). Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics (Grades K-12): 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Inc.

Felmer, P., Liljedahl, P., & Koichu, B. (eds.) (2019). Problem Solving in Mathematics Instruction and Teacher Professional Development. New York, NY: Springer. 

Liljedahl, P. & Santos-Trigo, M. (eds.) (2019). Mathematical Problem Solving: Current Themes, Trends, and Research. New York, NY: Springer.

Andrà, C., Brunetto, D., Levenson, E., Liljedahl, P. (Eds.) (2017). Teaching and Learning in Maths Classrooms: Emerging Themes in Affect-related Research: Teachers' Beliefs, Students' Engagement and Social Interaction. New York, NY: Springer.

Liljedahl, P., Santos-Trigo, M., Malaspina Jurado, U., & Bruder, R. (2016). Problem Solving in Mathematics Education. New York, NY: Springer.

Chernoff, E. J., Liljedahl, P., & Chorney, S. (Eds.) (2016). Selected writings from the Journal of the British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers: Celebrating 50 years of Vector. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Borwein, P., Liljedahl, P., & Zhai, H. (2014). Mathematicians on Creativity. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.

Zazkis, R., Sinclair, N., & Liljedahl, P. (2013). Lesson Play: A tool for research and professional development in mathematics education. New York, NY: Springer.

van Bergeyk, D., Driver, D., Griffin, J., Liljedahl, P., McLellan, C., Wright, D., & Wagner, K. (2011). Questions Worth Asking About Assessment in Mathematics Classrooms. Vancouver, BC: BCTF.

Liljedahl, P. (2008). The AHA! Experience: Mathematical Contexts, Pedagogical Implications. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag.

Zazkis, R. & Liljedahl, P. (2008). Teaching Mathematics as Storytelling. Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers.
